“Of all parties to this report, academics should be fully aware of the fact that words matter. There is absolutely no need to use racial slurs in an academic setting. It is possible to have conversations about discrimination without using discriminatory language,” said Tim Gulliver, the University of Ottawa Students’ Union’s president.

Campus unions at the University of Ottawa are calling on the administration to waive tuition fees for the upcoming spring and summer semesters after the global COVID-19 pandemic closed many of the school’s services indefinitely and shifted both semesters online, while also posing major financial challenges for students.

Student representatives make progress with motions amid clash of tempers Monday’s meeting of the University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors (BOG), which took place in Tabaret Hall, got off to an uneasy start, receiving a surprise visit from CTV cameras before it even started. CTV interviewed leaders of the undergraduate and graduate student unions, but …

Limiting grad students’ right to work hampers the ability of many to pursue graduate degrees as a whole. The policy may be intended to ensure that students focus on their academics, but it also nearly guarantees that more students take on higher levels of student debt, as they are hamstrung in their ability to fund their own education.

Curious Creatures is Studio LaMouche’s latest exhibit, and includes graphic drawings and prints that use an abstract take on anatomy. Lucie B’s pieces in the show are part of her ongoing “Fly” collection, which includes black-and-white prints of the insect taking part in human activities—in one drawing he is playing a guitar, in another wearing a suit.

Alternative Waves features contributions from many of the WRC’s volunteers this semester. The zine has different forms of content, from a list concerning “Consent Culture at Clubs & Parties”, to an essay entitled “Gender and Transformation in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse”.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Colleagues, I am in receipt of my e-bill from the University of Ottawa, which I will share: My bill for this semester is $3,410.77, including $925.40 for things I have no interest in supporting. This is a substantial amount for a Canadian student. Tuition is reasonable. The fees being grabbed for programs supported by …

The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) and the Graduate Students Association (GSAÉD) have reopened negotiations with OC Transpo seeking to renew their contract for September 2015 and settle on a deal for a summer U-Pass.

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