We like music. You like music. Let’s like music together.
We like music. You like music. Let’s like music together.
Working in conjunction with the Nashville Zoo, Trudeau developed a formula, which was originally used to breed frogs, to help with the breeding of the eastern hellbender, an extremely rare type of salamander found in the southern and eastern United States.
“[Café Alt] is one of the businesses I want to see improve a lot because it fills a unique sort of niche on campus for students who may not want to drink at the bar or be the party type of people,” said Adam Gilani.
The University of Ottawa’s Foot Patrol raised money last week for Shannen’s Dream, a First Nations charity dedicated to equal education for all students.
University of Ottawa medical school professor Dr. Antoine Hakim was named an inductee into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) on Oct. 18, 2012.
The Algonquin Students’ Association (ASA) started running ads that criticized OC Transpo for these changes. The ads were part of a campaign entitled “Age Does not Define a Student,” funded by the ASA.
In memory of Danielle Naçu’s passing, friends and family are holding a bike ride on the first anniversary of her death.
In a recent survey by the National Research Council Picker, the University of Ottawa’s Heart Institute was ranked number one in acute care in Ontario.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a recent document released by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities that proposed a number of changes to post-secondary education, including offering more courses online, shortening university degrees to three years, and standardizing curricula across the province.
The Canadian Orientation Leadership Program allowed students from across North America to come to the U of O to study Canadian industrial and financial practices.
We know that there is no more money coming for the system, so we have to get smarter in how we use the money we have, and a lot of that requires redesigning the system so that there are better efficiencies and accountability measures, and that we actually improve access to such things as preventive care and primary care.
In a recent report by the Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA), the University of Ottawa ranked fourth in research in the science and engineering faculties, and 20th in social sciences and humanities.