The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine has recently implemented new meditation sessions as a way for students to relieve stress.
The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine has recently implemented new meditation sessions as a way for students to relieve stress.
It’s time for us to re-evaluate our preconceptions of what severe mental illness looks like, and to dismantle the notion that it has a homogenous appearance.
While these spherical lounge chairs might seem like something from the future—or Google—it’s about time post-secondary education woke up to the benefits of helping students nap on campus.
Chapman, a fourth-year communications student at the University of Ottawa, is calling all artists to join her in the fight for mental health awareness through her new website—The Ventilation Movement.
I no longer live in a world of dramatic assertions and grand desperation. Now everything, everyone, and every part of me is quietly resigned.
Jolene Hansell, a second-year common law student at the University of Ottawa, hopes to raise awareness for mental health issues through her ConvoPlate initiative.
Despite the fact that mental health issues are on the rise amongst Canadian post-secondary students, the resources are not always matching up with the increased demand.
Members of the Fulcrum staff run down personal accounts of how mental health has affected them.
On Oct. 3, as part of Brain Health Awareness Week on campus, a new initiative was launched at the University of Ottawa to help students familiarize themselves with the relationship between mental health and mindfulness—the state of consciousness or awareness.
While the U of O wasn’t recognized for their research projects through this prestigious federal grant, there are so many innovative projects in the works across campus that, according to the Fulcrum, deserve funding.
As classes resume this September, the Student Academic Success Service (SASS) welcomes its new director, Sylvie Tremblay.
Traveling isn’t just good for the soul. According to some experts, the benefits of traversing the globe are much farther reaching than that.
Stress can be a challenge to manage and overcome in an academic setting, especially during exam season. But for some, this period can trigger something more serious.
The rate of suicide amongst Canadian Indigenous youth in particular is five to six times higher than the national average, and within that group, Inuit youth have the highest at 11 times the national average.
What are some of the worst food items you can eat during exam season? Hint: they’re the staple of every university student’s diet.
Although telling a first-year student who can barely take care of themselves to get a plant may seem odd, there is a simple reason for it—plants have many benefits, and act as more than just cute dorm decorations. This was something that over 50 students learned about at Community Life Service’s (CLS) Green Festival Indoor Plant Workshop, run by the University of Ottawa’s Health Services (UOHS) on March 2.
Research by U of O prof to produce new detection algorithms Social media could soon be put to good use when it comes to detecting possible mental illness, according to research by University of Ottawa Engineering and Computer Science professor Diana Inkpen and her team. The project will use data collected from social media websites …
Event featured gala, workshops, speakers to spur talks on factors of mental health The Students Against Stigma Series, an event put on by a number of federated bodies with the help of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO), looked to make an impact by spreading awareness of the stigma that often surrounds …
Throughout the play, Tessler portrayed herself, as well as the other people who were along for her mental health journey, including her parents and doctors. She demonstrated many typical experiences one goes through when dealing with mental illness, but still kept it uniquely her own, with singing and dancing, as well as personal anecdotes of how she dealt with the experience.
Organizers of the Black Lives Matter movement from across Canada and the United States gave a keynote speech opening the second annual Activist Assembly hosted by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) on Nov. 6.
Last year, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the law that made doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients illegal, something that has already been legal in countries like the Netherlands since 2000. In recent years, European countries including the Netherlands have also made doctor-assisted suicide available for people suffering from mental illnesses as well …
“We’ve become accustomed to paying attention to our physical health,” he said, but “we need to get to the point where we pay just as much attention to our mental health.”
One in five Canadians will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives and young people are particularly vulnerable. University of Ottawa President Allan Rock looks back at his own experience, when he was an undergraduate, in hopes of encouraging students who are struggling to seek the help that is available on campus. …
Why students should have a month before they’re marked Photo: Kim Wiens Most professors give some sort of assignment in September, but they shouldn’t. Many of these September assignments are referred to as midterms, yet they often seem to occur only a week or so after students have purchased their textbooks. A professor should only …
Strathcona Park will be transformed by the Mental Illness Caregivers Association of Canada (MICA) into an art and artisanal exhibition on Aug. 8, featuring the work of over 70 artisans, from local honey producers to painters