If there’s one constant at every University of Ottawa party, it’s that there’s always gonna be one Carleton student who really wants you to know that they don’t go to “OttawaU”.
If there’s one constant at every University of Ottawa party, it’s that there’s always gonna be one Carleton student who really wants you to know that they don’t go to “OttawaU”.
What I considered attending class ranged from sitting at my desk with my camera on and participating extensively in class discussions, to opening my computer, logging on to my 8:30 a.m. class with my camera off, then going back to sleep.
Fixating on recycling instead of reducing and reusing incentives is a wasteful production scheme.
Turns out, aging rears its salt-and-peppered head in intangible ways sooner than it does in imperfections of the skin.
For the game to be worth playing, watching, and supporting, it must first be fair. It must, thus, prioritize equity.
Finding work for the summer is usually a cause of stress for university students of all programs. However, international students at U of O (and other Canadian universities) have it even harder.
You claim you’re ‘fighting for our freedoms’, and yet, you’re verbally attacking those who disagree with your opinions.
Whether your roommates are your friends, strangers, or even family members, living with another person is always going to result in compromise and (hopefully) mutual respect… or is it?
“Scholars must remain vigilant whenever academic freedom collides with diversity. The former can be compromised by EDI activists, who in turn will only be pacified once their demands to censor ‘offensive’ remarks or ‘dangerous’ ideas are met by university administrators,” writes University of Ottawa school of sociological and anthropological studies professor Stuart Chambers.
Christmas season advertisements — they see you when you’re sleeping, they know when you’re awake.
The waiting game is no fun Point: The frustrations with slow texters by Mariam Fawaz Are you really busy, or do you just simply not feel like texting back? Both are valid excuses — being unable to communicate your situation is where it gets frustrating. A quick “I’m busy” or “TTYL” will suffice. I don’t …
I am somehow able to detail my depressive episodes and panic attacks in semi-comedic writing for anyone and everyone to see without any semblance of hesitation. However, put me face to face with my best friend of ten years and, suddenly, I’m shy.
If you’re still reaching for a glass of milk right from the cow’s teat, I have a myriad of follow-up questions. Most importantly: why?
There is an important distinction between governance and politics. By governance, I mean the administration of the union, the fulfillment of its obligations. In terms of governance, the UOSU seems to be doing alright. By politics, I mean the human aspect, the making-people-care. In terms of politics, the UOSU seems to be doing much worse.
The U of O men’s rugby team has qualified for the playoffs.
In short, pseudoscience is presented like science, but lacks the same rigour that science undergoes. As a result, it makes the two extremely difficult to discern.
It has recently been brought to my attention that I’m a serial friendzoner — a phenomenon to which I was previously none the wiser.
Universities are already riddled with institutional barriers given their entry price — textbooks only exacerbate this issue.
The University of Ottawa’s Heart Institute released false data which was quickly picked up by vaccine hesitant groups to validate false beliefs that the COVID-19 vaccines are highly deadly.
As I wrap up my undergraduate program at a large Canadian university, I would be hard-pressed to give you a coherent answer to an admittedly straightforward question.
What is university?
Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey exposed the Royal Family’s palace’s biggest flaws and has proven why it is finally time to abolish the monarchy once and for all.
“There’s no way for students to interact with any kind of facility in a face-to-face scenario. We as students have been educated in a system where you learn to be personable, where you learn how to interact in a public setting — how can you learn something like that through a screen?,” said fourth-year-student Elizabeth McDonald.
With the fall 2020 semester taking place online, transitioning courses to an online format has not been easy, and many students have had difficulties adjusting. To combat such difficulties, should a Pass/Fail grading system be implemented once again?
After graduating high school, it doesn’t take long to realize that there wad a hefty list of things we didn’t cover throughout four years of classes. Taxes, paying off loans, and voting only scratch the surface.
With masks becoming a requirement, both name brands and local stores have tried to capitalize on what has become a new market. From nicely coloured cloth masks, to fancy sportsmasks, there are endless options when it comes to face coverings, and people are willing to pay the money for them.