
How Twitter defined norovirus outbreak ON JAN. 11, the Fulcrum editorial board and a group of its staff and volunteers set out for a national student journalism conference in Victoria, B.C. By Jan. 14, a large portion of our delegation fell ill with what turned out to be a small-scale outbreak of a highly contagious …

Two students sound off on the facial hair-focused campaign It’s time for men to throw out their razors and women to start constructing felt ‘staches. That’s right—it’s Movember again, which means moustaches for all! Currently in its fourth year as a formal Canadian charity campaign, Movember has thousands of men across the country growing their …

Sites push subway voyeurism to an all-time low   GENTLEMEN, I WOULD like you to picture something for me. Imagine you are sitting on the subway, having a coffee and playing Angry Birds when, unbeknownst to you, a mysterious figure snaps your picture and sends it to a website where your looks are judged and …

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