
Dear Di, I have recently gotten myself into a dominant/submissive long-distance relationship from an Internet site. I have no experience in this, but it’s something I’m serious about trying and I’m very excited about it. The man who is now claiming to be my master says he is very experienced in this field of sex, …

Dear Di, I found some bumps on my penis and it turned out that I have genital warts. I’m coming to terms with this STI and I’m starting to realize it’s not the end of the world, but I’m having a problem debating on whether I should tell my partners, friends, and family about it. …

Dear Di, My boyfriend and I used to love having sex. We’d do it in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening, and late at night. It was constant and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. About two months ago I acquired a second job, just around the time school started up again and am now …

Dear Di, Someone was telling me the other day that it’s bad to have sex in the bathtub or pool. I knew that already, but what I didn’t know is apparently you can die from it. Is this true? I find it hard to believe, but if it is true… what a way to go. …