On Sept. 21 protesters gathered in Minto Park to demand a world without sexual violence
On Sept. 21 protesters gathered in Minto Park to demand a world without sexual violence
Frosh week from the perspective of a guide; but also the perspective of a student who is just fed up with this administration.
The survey measured the prevalence rates of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking on campuses since the start of the 2017-18 academic year to the time the survey was conducted from February to April 2018. At the U of O, prevalence rates were below or in line with averages across Ontario universities.
The report, released on Monday March 25, details that McInnis has been on paid administrative leave or suspension from coaching and his role as club executive director with the Ottawa Lions since Sept. 13, 2018, as a result of sexual harassment complaints made to the club in 2018. McInnis was also “reprimanded by the club” after complaints of sexual harassment made in 2016.
Communications director of the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, Stephanie Rea, confirmed, “fees that support programs and services that promote on-campus safety, including the prevention of sexual violence, are an allowable compulsory ancillary fee under the Student Choice Initiative.”
On Tuesday the Ontario government announced they would double their 2018-19 investment in a fund for programs combating sexual violence on campuses, and released a series of new requirements for post-secondary institutions alongside their summary report of the 2018 Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey.
There is enough personal and professional intrigue to earn the play’s description as being about “the abuse of power, political expediency, and the masks we wear to carry on as if everything is as it should be.” I think, acutely aware of my privilege as a white cisgender male, the key word here is abuse.
Don’t get me wrong, while Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony was hard to watch, it was brave, and commendable. Kavanaugh’s testimony was hard to watch for a different reason.
Government action would be great, but even better, would be if people stopped harassing each other altogether. In fact, it’s not that hard. Hell, you could give it a try today!
If it’s that easy to keep your job as a bar manager, and have a “sold out” club, even when guests are aware that you’re a convicted sexual predator, one has to wonder if #MeToo has gone too far, or if it hasn’t gone far enough.
Former members of Greek life organizations have boldly brought forward their stories about the toxic environment within the community, that leads to cases of alleged sexual assault going unnoticed and unaddressed.
At the end of the day, Butt says that the goal is to have measure that are “more individualized to the circumstances of the allegation, but also the individualized circumstances of the accused person too,” and to “try and manage the risk in a community as much as possible.”
Actors have a responsibility to their fans, whether they like it or not, and they should be expected to condemn sexual violence where people will listen, and where perpetrators will be present, even if those people are sometimes their friends.
In this Q&A, we cover the basics of consent, how to navigate consent when alcohol comes into the mix, and what the U of O can do to foster a consent culture in a time where rape culture on campus remains a major issue.
Frémont talks mental health, sexual violence, and food insecurity in exclusive interview with the Fulcrum.
On Oct. 16, the Board of Administration (BOA) of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) met to discuss the student federation’s audit, executive spending, and issues with the Student Association of the Faculty of Arts (SAFA), among other topics.
Some consensual fun I had with friends is being compared to the sexual violence committed by Donald Trump, all because La Rotonde believes it has a right to report on the sexual activities of its students, and not real issues that they face.
A report by La Rotonde was released on Oct. 17 detailing incidents of a highly sexual nature as part of a bar crawl event called Vet’s Tour, hosted by the Science Students’ Association at the University of Ottawa.
The new policy includes definitions pertaining to the policy and sexual violence, including a detailed definition of “consent”, campus resources for reporting sexual violence, provisions on the formal complaint process, and more.
Is it OK to withhold information under oath because you’re embarrassed? No, but is it ok to overlook the fact these women chose solely to withhold information that doesn’t fit the ‘socially valid’ abuse victim profile? Certainly not.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s newly revealed plan to combat sexual violence in Ontario includes commitments to address sexual assault policies on post-secondary campuses.
While Ghomeshi’s firing from the CBC is unfortunate, especially since it will most likely result in the loss of the best arts and culture program we have in this country, it was absolutely necessary.
This nail polish isn’t an inherently bad thing, but it is a temporary solution to a greater problem.
The Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW), the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre (ORCC), and other community partners released an app in September to educate students about gender-based violence.