
The holidays can see increased pollution, especially from single-use plastics and mass consumption of disposable consumer goods. So how can you help the environment while still giving friends and family gifts they’ll love?

THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa has been ranked the 19th most sustainable university campus in the world, according to a study done by the University of Indonesia. The study ranked 178 universities worldwide by their efforts in the categories of setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, and transportation. Jonathan Rausseo, sustainable development manager …

Local designer goes green IN OUR FAST-PACED and consumer-oriented culture, we rarely take the time to think about the effects our lifestyles have on the environment. With our constant misuse of recyclable products and insatiable lust for the next big thing, it’s no wonder sustainable shops like Duffield Design have begun cropping up. Local designer Megan Duffield, owner …