A new integrated health care centre and the hiring of two additional counsellors are examples of the initiatives that have been taken since the President’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health and Wellness published its report in 2020.
A new integrated health care centre and the hiring of two additional counsellors are examples of the initiatives that have been taken since the President’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health and Wellness published its report in 2020.
“For health and safety, I still have some misgivings. I am still a bit concerned,” said U of O associate professor Veldon Coburn on the return to campus plan.
The University of Ottawa has welcomed incoming international exchange students despite the cancellation of outgoing exchanges. Arriving in Ottawa in early January, these students have not had the ordinary exchange experience.
“The club has allowed me to make new and lasting friendships,” said Hannah Vigneux, a first-year English student at the U of O.
“In this period of constant change, I greatly appreciated the generosity of those who took the time to share with us their problems and their experiences at the University,” wrote the U of O’s Ombudsperson in the office’s 11th annual report.
Whether your roommates are your friends, strangers, or even family members, living with another person is always going to result in compromise and (hopefully) mutual respect… or is it?
Starting her on ice career in the small Ontario town of Ayr, Katherine Birkby is now playing her third season in the garnet and gray.
“There’s already so much research on bees and butterflies, which is a good thing but I think it’s also a good thing to study under underrepresented groups,” said U of O PhD candidate Catherine Sirois-Delisle.
A full return to campus life has been delayed until Jan. 31. It is possible it could be further delayed.
As the year comes to an end, we decided to look back on significant stories the Fulcrum published in 2021. Instead of simply republishing the stories, we thought we’d do something different and offer readers a behind-the-scenes look at how some of the year’s biggest stories came to be.
“Scholars must remain vigilant whenever academic freedom collides with diversity. The former can be compromised by EDI activists, who in turn will only be pacified once their demands to censor ‘offensive’ remarks or ‘dangerous’ ideas are met by university administrators,” writes University of Ottawa school of sociological and anthropological studies professor Stuart Chambers.
Many undergraduate students possess a voracious need to learn. They devour books, sit on the edge of our seats during interesting lectures — and have a need to channel this need into research. But how?
Graduation marks the end of a chapter in a person’s life. With this chapter over, many graduates are eagerly anticipating the next one, because, unlike textbooks, we cannot flip through the pages of life to see how long the next one will be.
What happened at FNS on Nov. 10, and why karaoke nights have been cancelled until 2022.
The U of O required the plaintiffs’ counsel to withdraw their request to have notification posted on the University webpage and amend several common issues as conditions for their consent to the certification of the lawsuit.
“The Committee is therefore against the exclusion of words, works or ideas in the context of respectful academic presentations and discussions whose educational goal is to promote the dissemination of knowledge,” wrote the Committee on Academic Freedom in its report.
The U of O’s women’s volleyball team dropped their season opener against the Université de Montreal Carabins on Friday Oct. 22. They were also defeated by the University of Sherbrooke Green and Gold on Sunday.
Two monuments — one on campus and one just outside — commemorate the contributions of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a religious group instrumental in both the foundation of the U of O and of the residential school system.
The clinic came to be when PBSC uOttawa reached out to Kind Space to create placements for students to volunteer, says Carling Miller, the executive director of Kind Space. Miller shared with the Fulcrum that the idea for the collaborative clinic “was great because we [Kind Space] didn’t have the capacity before to try and organize putting one together on our own.”
There is an important distinction between governance and politics. By governance, I mean the administration of the union, the fulfillment of its obligations. In terms of governance, the UOSU seems to be doing alright. By politics, I mean the human aspect, the making-people-care. In terms of politics, the UOSU seems to be doing much worse.
Despite efforts, turnout remained low for this by-election, with Sana Almansour receiving just 1,278 votes out of a possible 36,855 voting members. Chloe Bergeron and Harneet Cheema were each only eligible to be voted in by members of the faculty they were vying to represent.
With rumours of a potential code of conduct in late 2014/early 2015, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) was gearing up for a fight.
“I had a project where I was working in northern Canada. Those areas had beautiful northern lights, where the green and red colours filled the entire sky,” said the U of O researcher in an interview.
Universities are already riddled with institutional barriers given their entry price — textbooks only exacerbate this issue.
“We’re leading consultations with the student body and with different stakeholders and will relay those comments to HRO. And I would be surprised that this was the last UOSU has to say on this file, given the nature of the document that was presented,” said UOSU president Tim Gulliver.