Weekly Features

Why does the buying, storing, moving, and eventual disposal of stuff occupy such an important place in our lives? Better yet, is this obsession an economic issue or a psychological issue, or both?

We hear all about the SFUO, but do we really know where our money goes? Infographic by Tina Wallace Dave Eaton, an international development student in the last year of his studies at the U of O, carries a heavier load of responsibility than the average 24-year-old. He’s the overseer of a multi-million dollar government …

I don’t know if I expected angels to sing, doves to cry, or something special to happen, but the act of logging out was surprisingly anti-climactic. However the four months that followed my social media absence was anything but.

Five 45-pound plates per side (and then some) wait for him on the bar. That’s 525 pounds. People are staring. He doesn’t seem to notice.

For his work, Pelletier uses soft pastels, not exactly the sidewalk chalk we grew up with. Throughout his career, he’s moved around the Market, but has established himself most as the guardian keeping vigil outside Sugar Mountain.

What does it mean to be an ally? Sabrina Nemis writes about supporting marginalized communities without taking over the conversation.

In a larger sense, Starbucks epitomizes North American food culture in the 21st century. It’s modern, hip, and allows customers to personalize their order from an extensive menu selection. It also professes to use the best, high-quality ingredients and to conduct its business responsibly and ethically.

Cliques aren’t only an issue throughout high school—they extend to university and into the workplace, too

Is cultural appropriation ever appropriate? Photo illustration by Tina Wallace Miley Cyrus’s new look has caused quite the stir amongst reporters and bloggers, especially after her racey Video Music Awards performance with Robin Thicke. The problem some people have with  Cyrus’s adoption of “ratchet” style, and with other pop culture and media phenomena like the …

In the documentary, Kilbourne says ads don’t only sell products. “They sell images, they sell concepts of love and sexuality, of success, and perhaps most important, of normalcy,” she says. “To a great extent they tell us who we are, and who we should be.”

Why do so many people get their kicks from scary flicks? Photo by Tina Wallace Every year throughout the month of October, it seems like cable TV programming wants to give me a heart attack. While flipping through the channels I basically have the choice to watch news or Barney because most of the good …

Many of us have daily rituals of self-examination that include fat-poking, long periods of mirror-peering, and occasional thoughts of disdain towards our bodies.

What’s most important is that you prepare yourself for all the possible headaches that come with extensive travelling.

The African-Canadian teen filed a complaint against the Ottawa Police Services, bringing them to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Aiken said the only reason he was pulled over was because he is black—essentially, he believed the police officer in question was profiling him based on his race.

Sometimes people just need a reminder to take a few moments to appreciate life around them. They’re moments to learn more about patience, compassion, and responsibility. Those moments can last a lifetime. And people—young people, especially—can learn a lot from individuals with developmental disabilities.

“Just the discussion that a man can be sexually abused—that was never talked about in school, that’s something that never came up. The men were the abusers. And we know that’s the case most often, but the role of man as ‘victim’ is not something that’s ever talked about,” he explained.

“A lot of the time when you’re in jail, you get selfish,” my dad said to me. “The selfish feeling is that you wish you could see your family. You miss them so much and you just want that comfort. In actuality, I had to think of your feelings too. I wasn’t worried about you missing me, or whatever else, but actually fearing for me. Had you guys come to Millhaven and seen that shit, it would’ve scared you. It would’ve kept you up at night. It was the smell—it all smelled like metal.”

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