Weekly Features

Here, the Fulcrum looks at dietary choices, like eating organic, local, and seasonal, and seeks to understand how the snacks and meals we choose impact the world around us.

“Ideally, I’d have a PhD, I’d be a professor, my research would be fantastic, it wouldn’t suffer; but I’d also be able to have a family. I’d be married, I’d have children, and somehow my career wouldn’t have to take a hit because I took time off to have a kid—but my family also wouldn’t suffer after I go back to work after giving birth,” she said. “I wonder if it’s really possible to have all of those things.”

The Fulcrum sat down with professors of Aboriginal studies, Aboriginal activists, and students to better understand how Canada’s Aboriginals are currently being marginalized and how universities fit in the bigger picture.

November 11 may be over, but many students believe the day symbolizes values that should be reflected upon throughout the whole year. Others feel it’s time to move on from a bloody past and focus on a peaceful future. Here, students share what Remembrance Day means to them.

“The people that think they cannot make a difference frustrate me the most,” said Mueller. “To me, it’s simple math. 1+1+1+1+1=the population of our campus, the population of Ottawa, etc. The difference is made by each individual working separately but together [to lessen] our impact on the environment.”

Some of my peers are motivated in university by grades, future salaries, or parental pressure. I’m motivated by something else—the desire to make something of myself early enough in my life so my mom will remember it.

“I’m very comfortable with my personality and my sexuality,” he would tell me later. “No subject is taboo to me.”

Occasionally an event occurs that can turn life upside down. Whether it’s an illness, divorce, or the death of a loved one, tragedies outside of our control happen, often when we least expect them.

Although these seem to be obvious qualities anyone would want from a partner, it isn’t always easy to identify whether or not they are lacking when you’re blinded by emotion. Sara Quinton* is a U of O student who was in an unhealthy relationship. She didn’t recognize the negative aspects of her relationship until her after partner broke up with her.

Among the general population, voluntourism has a positive connotation in the sense that rather than just having fun, people are also making an effort to help others. But among people who study the field or are experts in the area of international development, there’s a lot more skepticism.

Today, individuals follow special diets for as many reasons as there are types of cuisine; religious practices, ideological beliefs, and allergies can call play a part. Four foodies share their experiences living on different diets and offer students a spoonful of advice.

I’m not saying you don’t hang out with your friends and have a great time. I’m saying you don’t do it with six beers in a night. You buy one beer and you hold on to that beer. You sip that sucker till it’s so warm it feels like pee going in before it’s pee coming out.

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