The fireworks were set to be used on Sept. 12, as part of the closing ceremonies of the U of O’s 101 week at Mooney’s Bay. However, the event was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, and the fireworks remained unused.
The fireworks were set to be used on Sept. 12, as part of the closing ceremonies of the U of O’s 101 week at Mooney’s Bay. However, the event was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, and the fireworks remained unused.
“What we’re looking to encourage is critical thought and transparency in discourse about politics.” – Olivia Dorey
The university also released its master plan last year, detailing all the major projects it plans to undertake in the next few decades.
The blackout caused some minor inconveniences on campus, including knocking out Protection Service’s phone system, and forcing students to leave the library and their classrooms.
“In this case, which I think is a bit poetic, the first scholar we host is actually a human rights lawyer,” said John Packer
With the federal election only a month away, many students have begun to form their own ideas of what the most important election issues are. The Fulcrum asked its contributors what issues they’ll be pondering at the ballot box. Photo: Kim Wiens Student Debt The Green Party has recently released a 44-page election platform insisting they will ensure tuition-free education …
According to her statement, she has suffered “permanent and ongoing pain”, significant headaches, and impairment of “important physical, mental, and psychological functions”.
“We want students to feel like it’s not just a dining location, it’s a place where people can socialize, make new friends, and work together,” said Patrick Genest, director of Food Services.
“Voting is your voice,” said Walsh. “It’s a fundamental underpinning of our democracy.”
“I’m hoping there will be a big building-wide community,” said Felicity Radan, a community advisor at the Rideau residence.
With the number of global refugees, especially from war-torn Syria growing, Canadian provinces and cities are looking for ways to do more.
The focus right now for Elections Canada is setting up to administer the election, sending some 80 trucks out to deliver 3,000 tonnes of election material to all of Canada’s ridings. Afterward, Mayrand plans to prepare a report on Canada’s first fixed-date election, noting rules that might need to be adjusted.
If Canadian politicians want to inspire intelligent discussion and optimism, they would do well to drop the negativity from their campaigns.
Canada needs a proportional representation system because not only is it more fair to voters, but it also helps stimulate political change.
The U of O planned to create a French and French-immersion campus that would’ve offered undergraduate programs as well as specialized trade programs in Woodstock.
Collobert said she was hit by the door of an embassy car, an incident referred to as being doored, while cycling on Gladstone Avenue on Aug. 24, 2013.
“Let’s say you’re a drone designer, and you have hundreds of propellers to choose from, hundreds of thousands of motors to choose from, and you don’t know how to decide,” said Charles Blouin.
“It’s encouraging to see that many young Canadians are working hard to save their money, invest in their future, and become financially independent,” said Silvio Stroescu, Managing Director of Deposits and Investments at Tangerine.
“The Learning Centre will become the new place where students congregate on campus,” said Christian Detellier, vice-president, academic and provost.
Mohammed Fahmy, a Canadian journalist working for Al Jazeera in Egypt was sentenced to three years in prison on Aug. 29, despite international outrage.
iVote-jeVote is a non-partisan community that brings together practitioners, students, politicians, and academics from across the political spectrum
The University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors adopted the 2015-16 budget which included a three per cent average tuition hike for undergraduate and graduate students for the tenth consecutive year, at a meeting in May.
Organizers have announced that this year’s Capital Pride festival is set to take place from August 17-23. This will be the 30th anniversary of the event.
The University of Ottawa announced a number of new appointments to senior positions on July 23, while it continues its search for a new president and chancellor. Raymond Leblanc was named acting dean of the Faculty of Education. He called the role “an opportunity to showcase the vitality of our community: profs, students and support …
Canadian-made ebola Vaccine Shows Promise An Ebola vaccine designed by a coalition of Canadian scientists is showing promise in a trial in Guinea, according to findings published on July 31 in the Lancet. “The data so far shows that none of the 2,014 persons vaccinated developed Ebola virus disease after 10 days after vaccination,” Dr. …