Dr. Michael Rudnicki is a professor in the University of Ottawa’s faculty of medicine and one of the authors of a recent article that shows a link between stem cells and brown fat that may help fight obesity.
Dr. Michael Rudnicki is a professor in the University of Ottawa’s faculty of medicine and one of the authors of a recent article that shows a link between stem cells and brown fat that may help fight obesity.
Justin Trudeau’s good looks pose a threat, the infamous Bill C-30 marks the anniversary of its failure, and Senator Patrick Brazeau gets a timeout.
U of O biology professor Dr. Thomas Moon studies the effects of statin concentrations in the aquatic environment in order to look deeper into water pollution caused by prescription drugs.
Penalties, controversies, and calls for the resignation of CEO Osama Berrada have caused tension during the current SFUO election campaign.
We asked some questions of your candidates in this year’s SFUO election.
The government of Canada has sounded the alarm to Canadians from coast to coast to coast: It is time to get rid of debt.
When students are openly questioning the soundness of the electoral process and the appeals process, the legitimacy of the entire election is called into question.
A graduate student at the University of Ottawa has determined that she will receive childcare assistance following a dispute with the City of Ottawa over revisions to its policy.
With the student federation election campaigns now underway, many of those involved in student politics believe continued membership in the Canadian Federation of Students should be a focal point of discussion.
Last year’s cry to lower tuition fees caused a stir across Canada, but the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) opted not to organize a National Day of Action in 2013.
Recycling bins seem to be everywhere at the University of Ottawa—you can sort and dispose of paper, metals, plastic, and glass on nearly every floor of every building. But what about compost bins?
The Las Vegas-based website acts as a platform for young men or women (sugar babies) to seek a relationship with older and wealthier men or women (sugar daddies and mommies).
A recent initiative called the First Responder Networked Vehicle Test-Bed would allow for first responders in emergency services—police, paramedics, and firefighters—to communicate over long distances, crossing provincial borders as well as national borders between Canada and the United States.
The two-day summit will include a conference, benefit concert, documentary showing, and more.
The Elections Office of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) has released the names of those running for positions on the SFUO executive Board of Administrations (BOA), and Senate.
We all know that obesity and type-2 diabetes are nearly epidemic in Canada and the United States but our ample aliments lead to an abundance of ailments.
This is definitely not what your guidance counsellors in high school told you would happen. So what the heck are you supposed to do?
The 90 University kitchen has been closed to the public in an effort by the University of Ottawa’s Housing Service to provide residents of the complex with greater access to the facilities.
On Jan. 8, the Fulcrum sat down with the president to get his take on the university’s accomplishments in 2012 and his plans for the future.
According to the results of a survey by the Universitas Indonesia (UI), the U of O is currently the 14th most sustainable university in the world.
But the proposed changes to the political system have been lost in the commotion of an unusually exciting political scene over the holidays, including developments in the F-35 program and the Idle No More movement.
Students at the University of Ottawa are invited to come up with ideas to improve the school now that the annual Good Ideas contest is soon to be underway.
A student who sued the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa to have his incidental fees reimbursed because of had his case dismissed in court Wednesday.
The American presidential election this past November sent droves of students to the streets, campaigning for Republican candidate Mitt Romney and Democratic President Barack Obama. Joining the young Americans activists were University of Ottawa students Ian Brown, Nasha Brownridge, Brett Caven, and Andrea Sarkic.
THE FACULTY OF Social Sciences (FSS) accidentally released a document last week containing the personal information of 571 students in the faculty.