
Decision on usage-based billing expected to affect prices ON JULY 11, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) launched hearings to determine the fate of usage-based billing (UBB)—a widely controversial practice proposed by large Internet service providers (ISPs). If allowed, UBB will raise prices for small ISPs and, by extension, consumers. Bell Canada kicked off …

RESIDENTS OF TALWAS, India, celebrated the wedding of Raju and Chinki on July 11 in what was the world’s first-ever monkey marriage. The caretakers of the happy couple are pleased to see the animals wed after two months of preparation. “We will welcome the bride in our house in Banetha after the wedding with all …

Board votes to approve budget, motions The Board of Administration (BOA) interrupted their summer vacation for the monthly gathering of the board on July 17. In what some members called the most efficient meeting of the year, several motions were discussed and passed. The Fulcrum wraps up the top motions and policy changes into one …

The problem CHEMICAL REACTIONS OCCUR all around us. The interaction of molecules form the basis of all life. Molecules in the air work together constantly, changing the atmosphere. These seemingly microscopic changes affect the world in huge ways. Scientists want to observe the structure of molecules and how they change during the reactions. Unfortunately, the …

Website experiences several security breaches ON JULY 11, the University of Ottawa’s whistle-blower blog ( reported a security breach on the [Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) website. Initially only affecting the constitution page of the site, hackers soon took over the welcome page as well. “We managed to [catch] it as soon …

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