“I think I took a very different approach to academia and my education than most people do,” he said. “I didn’t go to law school to become a lawyer, and I didn’t do my MBA to go work in a consulting firm.”
“I think I took a very different approach to academia and my education than most people do,” he said. “I didn’t go to law school to become a lawyer, and I didn’t do my MBA to go work in a consulting firm.”
This October, the SFUO is holding a by-election to fill vacant positions in the Board of Governors, Board of Administration, and university senate.
The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is asking students to raise health plan costs by $35 in a referendum, in order to keep the coverage afloat.
“This experience that the program offers is one of a kind,” said Lethania Martinez, one of the 11 mentors. “Being in the market and having access to these equipments and machinery, and amazing professors guiding you. That experience at the age that those students have is amazing.”
Enactus uOttawa, a University of Ottawa club that looks to create business solutions to social justice issues, is going to Johannesburg, South Africa to compete in the Enactus World Cup.
“No other university in the country can claim to be as truly Canadian as ours, one that so faithfully reflects the linguistic, cultural and religious diversity of our country,” said Hamelin in a press release.
“A lot of ‘get out to vote’ initiatives are aimed at people who already vote,” she said. This, she says, is the wrong group to target.
“In handing down this institution there’s no shortage of big issues,” he said. “That’s why it’s really important for you folks to get engaged.”
“I hope this debate will generate interest, and for young people to see that these issues are considered by politicians, and by some of the parties, anyhow.”
“There weren’t any other groups focusing on these issues. As a scientist with strong interests in policy and politics this is an area I’m really passionate about, so I decided to start E4D,” she continued.
Corkum is among 18 scientists from around the world chosen by Thomson Reuters as possible Nobel Prize winners.
Millennial voters, of which students are a large part, represent over 20 per cent of the population. Every vote is important, especially since this election is shaping up to be one of the closest in recent history.
“We have 600,000 Francophones in Ontario, and meeting their needs is important,” said Rock. “We’re a major part of responding to those needs, and we’re very proud of that.”
“We use existing technologies, specifically mobile platforms like iPads and Androids, to deliver speech, language, cognition, and physiotherapies, all from the patient’s bed,” —Dr. Dar Dowlatshahi
“We’ve become accustomed to paying attention to our physical health,” he said, but “we need to get to the point where we pay just as much attention to our mental health.”
“It’s the most recognized financial research database,” said Safi. “It will prepare you for a job on Wall Street, Bay Street, and in the financial world in general.”
“They have to vote if they care at all about the future,” he said. “What they do or do not do will reverberate through your entire lives.”
The University of Ottawa dropped 66 places to 284th in the annual QS rankings, one of the most influential ranking systems in the world.
Taylor Davidson, vice-president of finance of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) resigned from her post at a Board of Administration meeting on Sept. 20. This is the second resignation coming from the executive this year.
The fireworks were set to be used on Sept. 12, as part of the closing ceremonies of the U of O’s 101 week at Mooney’s Bay. However, the event was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, and the fireworks remained unused.
The university also released its master plan last year, detailing all the major projects it plans to undertake in the next few decades.
The blackout caused some minor inconveniences on campus, including knocking out Protection Service’s phone system, and forcing students to leave the library and their classrooms.
“In this case, which I think is a bit poetic, the first scholar we host is actually a human rights lawyer,” said John Packer
“We want students to feel like it’s not just a dining location, it’s a place where people can socialize, make new friends, and work together,” said Patrick Genest, director of Food Services.
“Voting is your voice,” said Walsh. “It’s a fundamental underpinning of our democracy.”