University of Ottawa

Justin Trudeau has changed his tune on the issue of marijuana in Canada. The Liberal leader discussed the subject at two different events in late July, saying his thoughts on the issue have evolved and he thinks decriminalizing, legalizing, and taxing cannabis would be the best way to end the war on drugs. Trudeau pointed …

After a year of anticipation, students will notice significant improvements: the café now boasts a doubled interior square footage and the layout has also been improved, allowing patrons to view live entertainment from anywhere in the room. A new sound system will only add to the restored space.

The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) has implemented a new policy that will prevent companies from soliciting students’ signatures on contracts during 101 week.

With the fall semester approaching, issues surrounding Ottawa’s transit policy towards students are heating up. Representatives from Ottawa’s seven student associations hand-delivered letters to city councillors in July, asking them to raise the current age restriction on monthly student passes and also offer a summer U-Pass.

U of O student Boris Vardomskiy has pulled out every stop to maintain his right to practice his hobby: target shooting. Having already spent $15,000 in legal fees, a case against Vardomskiy may still be far from resolved. In one of his U of O classes, Vardomskiy wrote two messages on an exam paper which …

Heat surges cause increase in hydro costs for the U of O Daniel LeRoy | Fulcrum Staff Illustration by Tina Wallace LAST MONTH, CALGARY floods displaced thousands of people, and this past week, Albertan premier Allison Redford released the most recent damage estimate. Across Alberta, the flood damage will exceed $3 billion. On July 8—two …

Martin Kratky-Katz and Artem Abramov founded a new business called MicroMetrics in May. The company helps other businesses receive instant customer feedback by offering survey software and tablets to stores.

To present a well-rounded and fully formed argument in front of a panel of legal experts is a challenge for any lawyer.

A recent study by Dr. Darine El-Chaar and University of Ottawa professor Dr. Mark Walker explores the correlation between obesity and pregnancy and the health problems that can occur when an expectant mother is overweight

On March 24, Ethan Plato, president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) put forth three motions to change the SFUO election system that were later rejected by the Board of Administrators (BOA).

Sara Lauzon, a third-year history student at the University of Ottawa, has made a name for herself in her hometown of Cornwall dealing with many issues of the city’s past that most have neglected.

For the third consecutive year, the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management took part in 5 Days for the Homeless, an event that had students living on the streets for five days while raising money and awareness for the homeless in Ottawa.

Organ donation has been in the spotlight these days more than ever before, but statistics still show that while 90 per cent of Canadians support organ/tissue donation, less than 25 per cent have made plans to donate.

Campus Pride week may have come and gone at the University of Ottawa, but for Cody Boast, a third-year political science student, the incident that occurred on March 4 left him feeling little pride in his campus community.

MP Rob Clarke wants to amend the Indian Act, repeal outdated sections and improve Canada’s relations with it’s First Nations people.

A Facebook page set up to promote the Peer Help Centre and Centre for Students with Disabilities’ (CSD) “Let’s Talk About Mental Health” conference from March 9–10 caused controversy after the location of the event was listed as being on “unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin territory” at the University of Ottawa.

Student’s U-Pass concern finally resolved, SFUO issues refund Jane Lytvynenko | Fulcrum Staff Five months after submitting a request to refund her U-Pass fee, Julie Corrigan, a PhD student at the University of Ottawa, got her cheque in the mail. Corrigan, who went abroad to do research, exchanged 33 emails and many phone calls with …

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