University of Ottawa

Pieing lupus in the face SIGMA PSI ALPHA (SPA), a sorority based in Ottawa, has set Nov. 27 as the date when students, friends, and community members can pie sisters in the face to raise money for the Lupus Foundation of Ontario (LFO). The sorority supports the LFO and brings awareness to the common disease, all because of a …

ON NOV. 4, students piled into Desmarais to listen to a panel discussion on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which included former United Nations (UN) secretary general Kofi Annan, former Canadian foreign affairs minister Lloyd Axworthy, and Conservative parliamentarian and first Canadian ambassador of Afghanistan, Chris Alexander. Moderated by BBC foreign correspondent and Canadian native Lyse Doucet, the panel discussed this key concept in international relations. The panel, hosted by the Centre for International Policy Studies and the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, honoured the 10th anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect principle, born from the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) that was established by the Canadian government in 2000. Following …

  Mayor Jim Watson discusses the city’s 2012 budget THE CITY OF Ottawa’s draft budget, released on Oct. 26, will take on necessary infrastructure improvements, said Ottawa mayor Jim Watson. The project, titled Ottawa on the Move, provides over $340 million in funding, providing the city with better roads, sidewalks, and bike paths. The city will also see changes in OC Transpo …

U of O launches strategic plan ON OCT. 21, University of Ottawa president Allan Rock launched Vision 2020, a set of goals the U of O hopes to achieve within the next nine years. The four main areas of focus in the document are student experience, research, internationalization, and bilingualism. At the top of the …

ASH and U of O create off-campus involvement awards THIS SEPTEMBER, THE Good Neighbours Committee, initiated by the University of Ottawa, created awards for off-campus student residents to encourage those living in Sandy Hill to be good neighbours. Granted in April, the awards for property improvement and community involvement will recognize students who have been …

Health Promotion launches program to help smokers quit LEAVE THE PACK Behind is a free service offered by Health Promotion at the University of Ottawa to assist students who are trying to quit smoking. This year, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) was added to the program because of concerns regarding high smoking rates on university campuses. …

Rancourt’s case to pick up in January ARBITRATIONS TO DETERMINE whether former U of O professor Denis Rancourt should be reinstated, which took place on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, have been adjourned until early 2012. The case—which shut down after opening statements were made—was delayed at the request of the University of Ottawa, asking …

Human VS Infected returns to the U of O HUMANS VS INFECTED (HvsI), a campus-wide zombie game, is returning to the University of Ottawa for its fourth year. Starting on Halloween and lasting until Nov. 4, HvsI has grown significantly since its launch. “We got the idea from a college in the states—it started out …

BOA removes SAC, introduces funding changes THE BOARD OF Administration (BOA) met on Oct. 16 in the senate room of Tabaret Hall to determine the fate of motions brought forward by the ad hoc Constitutional Committee. These motions included large constitutional changes and modifications in policy. The meeting focused on the second reading of a …

Students organize petition to bring back committee DURING THE SEPT. 18 Board of Administration (BOA) meeting, a motion to remove the Student Arbitration Committee (SAC) was put forward after determining the committee was undemocratic. The motion carried 29 to one. Brendon Andrews, BOA representative for the Faculty of Social Sciences who voted against the motion, …

New volunteer centre offers students a world of oppourtunities ON OCT. 21, the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Global and Community Engagement (CGCE) will celebrate its official opening. The centre offers volunteer opportunities for students, engaging them in the community in and out of the classroom. University of Ottawa President Allan Rock, who had the …

U of O close to fair-trade designation AT THE BEGINNING of 2011, the University of Ottawa chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) launched a fair-trade campus initiative at the U of O to certify the campus as fair trade. Since then, the action has gained the support of the Student Federation of the University of …

Monthly free store at the U of O ON SEPT. 28, students walking by the Unicentre may have been surprised to see seats in the couch lounge replaced by tables full of free stuff. Organized by the Campus Sustainability Office, the free store aimed to reduce waste on campus and in the community. “It is …

University’s institutions to contribute to multilingualism research THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa has been selected as one of 12 international institutions to participate in a three-year Languages in Urban Communities: Integration and Diversity for Europe (LUCIDE) project. Funded by a €500,000 (CDN$690,000) grant from the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union (EU), the project aims to better understand multilingualism in …

Matt Anthony Field is now environmentally friendly IT SEEMS THE grass is now greener at the University of Ottawa. After years of wear and tear, the lawn of Matt Anthony Field has been replaced. Rather than a cheap fix, the university invested in a sustainable option for the field, mostly made up of recycled materials. “The field had reached the …

Campaign highlights job issues for students HAVE YOU EVER wondered about job security for university graduates? Launched by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), the How Screwed Are You campaign is expected to pull the issue of employment to the forefront of the upcoming Ontario provincial election, catering to the needs of university students and recent graduates. The …

THE BOARD OF Administration (BOA) sat on Sept. 18 for their first official meeting of the semester. It was also the first meeting headed by Dave Molenhuis, the new BOA chair. The Fulcrum took a look at the two motions that made amendments to the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) constitution. Tiebreak vote removed …

Campaign encourages students to vote in provincial election THE SPRING OF 2011 was an exciting period of vote mobs and campaigns aimed at getting students to the polls for the federal election. In light of the upcoming provincial election on Oct. 6, groups have once again begun mobilizing youth and persuading them to get involved. …

Students experience problems picking up U-Pass GETTING A U-PASS was a challenge for U of O students this year, with some waiting in line for hours to get the card. Distribution continued almost two weeks into September due to technical issues faced by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO). “We had technical …

101 Week guide encourages underage drinking Jack Witwer, former vp social (anglo) for the Political, International, and Development Studies Student Association (PIDSSA) and 101 Week guide, was caught asking minors for fake IDs in order to let them drink during 101 Week. Other executive members have submitted complaints to PIDSSA and the Student Federation of …

Grad student association talks about the upcoming year Taiva Tegler — External Commissioner Describe your job in a sentence. Strengthening links on campus—locally, provincially, and nationally—through collaboration and action on student issues such as research funding, social innovation, access, and equity. What do you hope to accomplish this year? This year, I would like to …

Members of the student federation answer the Fulcrum’s questions on the upcoming year Amalia Savva — President Describe your job in a sentence. My role as president is to be the spokesperson for the student federation, as well as playing a number of different roles like chairing executive or committee meetings, or ensuring the smooth …

New student card integrates services and goes online THIS JUNE, A new student ID card was made available at the University of Ottawa. The all-in-one uOttawa Card has a fresh look and new functions that make it more useful, secure, and convenient for students. “We tried to get rid of some of the run-around on …

Campus bar gets an upgrade THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is looking to make their on-campus bar profitable this year. 1848, the student-run campus watering hole, has been upgrading its kitchen, menus, and overall look this summer to lure in customers during the 2011–12 school year. With these changes premiering this …

Friends call on authorities to help rescue journalist MAHDI NAZEMROAYA, A recent graduate from the University of Ottawa, has called on his friends and acquaintances to help him leave Libya. After spending the past two months in the country working as an independent journalist, he now fears for his life because of the civil conflict …

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