
Use the latest GA as a chance to strike down apathy on campus Another semester, another failed General Assembly (GA). For those who missed the memo, there was a GA held on campus last Saturday, Nov. 14.  From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students were given time to question their student government, and debate motions …

Work is work, and it deserves compensation Imagine graduating from your undergraduate degree, after four years of constant financial and academic stress. What are your next steps? With no relevant work experience or professional references, your future might not be as bright as you had imagined. Could an unpaid internship be your way to a …

Musicians have to balance their sound, industry heads and customers Musical artist Kid Cudi took to Twitter in early October to dissuade some of his fans from purchasing his upcoming release, Speeding Bullet to Heaven. “(I)f you dont like what Im doin now, please abort the train. Do not buy my music from here on …

Removing cars and increasing other options can only improve downtown Many major cities struggle to find a balance between moving both cars and pedestrians around, including in Ottawa where it has been long debated whether it would be best for Sparks Street to reintroduce access for vehicles. However, not only should Sparks Street stay car …

Subscription-style web streaming is step in  wrong direction YouTube and Google released YouTube Red on Oct. 28, a subscription-based video site with extra features for those willing to pay.  While YouTube is well within its rights to expand its revenue streams, if YouTube Red impacts normal YouTube then it compromises the basic service YouTube has …

Earlier release of documents makes government more transparent Although they are no longer in power, Canadians aren’t able to read about past governments’ cabinet meetings for 30 years, because that’s the deadline for declassification of cabinet documents before the information is publicly disclosed. With the election of a new government committed to transparency, now is the …

It’s about confidence in government, not seats Photo: CC, Mohammed Jangda, Johnathan Allard Coalition governments are a positive part of the Canadian political landscape. For most of the 2015 Canadian Election, it seemed the 42nd Parliament would have three parties virtually tied in number of seats—resembling many European countries, who have to go through a …

Recent attacks on citizenship threatens to divide Canadians Photo: CC, Jeff Nelson As the Canadian election drags on, citizenship has suddenly become a point of focus. This is in part due to the controversy over wearing niqabs at citizenship ceremonies, as well as  the government’s move to strip convicted terrorists of their citizenship, and their …

Photo: Kim Wiens Imagine you suddenly receive a text message from an unknown number—it claims your ex created a profile for you on an app called Peeple, and the message encourages you to go check out what they have to say about you. You follow through and find you only have 48 hours to sort …

Branching out to different language programs Photo: Courtesy of Netflix We are in the golden age of television with channels like HBO, Showcase, AMC, and Netflix vying for the top awards year after year. Netflix has found yet another successful formula in Narcos. The captivating drama focuses on drug lord Pablo Escobar, and the war …

Photo: Serena Sodhi This year’s Panda Game drew a crowd of close to 18,000, however, because of poorly-scheduled midterms, many students couldn’t attend.  There have been displays set up in the campus bookstore, multiple tweets from the official University of Ottawa handle as well as flyers and contests to give away tickets. For certain classes, professors …

Live-saving medicine needs to be available for all income brackets Photo: CC Tom-Varco Martin Shkreli, the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, bought the rights to Daraprim, a drug that is used to treat toxoplasmosis, some forms of cancer, and HIV/AIDS in late August. On Sept. 21, Shkreli publically announced a price hike from US$13.50 to $750, just …

Judge electoral candidates on policy instead of youthful folly Illustration: Reine Tejares The latest scandal to grip Canadian politics is the story of an individual who has proven himself utterly unfit to hold public office, by urinating in a cup. In somebody else’s cup, which he washed out with water. Several other Canadians have also shown …

U of O’s new dining hall offers a much better selection Photo: Eric Davidson A new school year is upon us, and along with it a new cafeteria. For those who haven’t had the chance to explore the “all-you-can-eat” affair compared to the old dining hall—picture a flip phone to smartphone scale upgrade. Our shiny, new, …

One in five Canadians will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives and young people are particularly vulnerable. University of Ottawa President Allan Rock looks back at his own experience, when he was an undergraduate, in hopes of encouraging students who are struggling to seek the help that is available on campus. …

Delays aside, Ottawa needs the LRT Photo: CC- Pikto Chart Ottawa is on its way to joining the ranks of cities like Montreal and Toronto, and to do that is needs  fast, efficient public transit like the Light Rail Transit (LRT) system. The City and its population has a large price to pay for this …

Why students should have a month before they’re marked Photo: Kim Wiens Most professors give some sort of assignment in September, but they shouldn’t. Many of these September assignments are referred to as midterms, yet they often seem to occur only a week or so after students have purchased their  textbooks. A professor should only …

World looks on as humanitarian crisis unfolds Photo by CC Defense-Visual-Information-Centre Syrian refugees have been seeking asylum in other countries since protests against the Assad government developed into a civil war in 2011. Thousands of refugees have tried to escape the conflict by making perilous journeys by boat, car, and foot. While the issue has …

An uncomfortable moral quandary has reared its ugly head at the tail end of the summer movie season with the release of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For being coupled with the knowledge that its creator Frank Miller is a total jerk bag in real life.

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