
When I raise my right arm, it is an act of free will or simply a biological impulse? This question, posed by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, is an example of an age-old debate in modern philosophy: Does free will exist?

Feeling threatened can bring out the worst in people. When Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was able to shoot and kill Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial and infiltrate Parliament on Oct. 22, two places many University of Ottawa students have been to without fear, it reminded us of our vulnerability.

The Fulcrum gives its two cents on the Campus Freedom Index, questionable fashion choices, and online ratings for group work, in this special editorial mid-semester roundup.

Regardless of how you may feel about student government, when the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) protests tuition fee increases, they are accurately representing the views of the majority of the student body. However, at the recent SFUO-led protest requesting a drop in tuition fees at the opening of the Advanced Research Complex (ARC), many students feel their interests were not well represented. Not because they wish for tuition to continue rising, but because they feel this particular protest was inappropriate and ineffective. And that it was.

Students actually do have a chance to make a difference. By voting for the Green Party, they have the opportunity to launch a champion of proportional representation into the running, and topple these eternal Liberal and Conservative fiefdoms that have dominated Canada for far too long.

As the UOMSA is requesting space for the religious purposes of a large number of students, it is without a doubt more pressing than many requests. However, space is an issue on this campus for everyone.

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