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In light of recent events, it’s perhaps more important than ever for students at the University of Ottawa to be able to get the support they need. Photo courtesy of Erin Sparks (the Link) The university states that it’s “committed to providing a respectful learning and workplace environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.” …

Student travels to the Philippines for an international internship  Photo by Tina Wallace This school year, Hang Tran met people from all over the world and gained hands-on experience working in a field she hopes to make into a career. AIESEC is a non-profit student-run organization found in more than 144 countries around the world. …

Five 45-pound plates per side (and then some) wait for him on the bar. That’s 525 pounds. People are staring. He doesn’t seem to notice.

For his work, Pelletier uses soft pastels, not exactly the sidewalk chalk we grew up with. Throughout his career, he’s moved around the Market, but has established himself most as the guardian keeping vigil outside Sugar Mountain.

Philanthropic club engages campus and community in service  Photo courtesy of Hadi Wess Activities on campus that seem to go unnoticed often pack the biggest punch. Seek to Speak  is a non-profit philanthropic organization with roots at the University of Ottawa and in countries around the world. The club’s mission is to engage the public …

When the guidelines for eligibility aren’t clear, when students have to argue with SFUO employees at the ballot box just to get their vote to count, how can we blame student apathy for low voter turnout?

U of O alumnus’ band returns to Ottawa to promote local music  Photo by Matt Godaz The Cardboard Crowns are four roommates who live in East York, Toronto. Inspired and motivated by social injustice and community service, these young men are paying it forward through music. From Aylmer, Que., bassist Francois Cuningham describes the band as …

Millennials have seen the consequences when peacekeepers do nothing, as in Rwanda. We have seen the breakdown of states along religious and ethnic lines, as in the former Yugoslavia. Perhaps the so-called war on terror has made some of us cynical or hesitant to involve ourselves in trouble and turmoil that seems far removed. But I also see a spirit of optimism and responsibility among millennials that might enable us to take up the challenge for peace that the government has largely avoided.

Hospital performed record-breaking 36 heart transplants last year Photo by Adam Feibel The University of Ottawa Heart Institute conducted 36 successful heart transplants last year, earning the top spot for most heart surgeries performed in Canada in 2013. “I’m very proud of what’s been accomplished by my colleagues in the last year,” Dr. Thierry Mesana, …

Marianas Trench lead guitarist releases second EP Photos courtesy of Catrina Jaricot Marianas Trench’s lead guitarist Matt Webb takes centre stage in his new EP, Right Direction. Released on Feb. 4, his six new songs sound very different from the band’s usual music. He says the inspiration for the EP was the last few years …

Perhaps the biggest misconception, or rather wrongful association that people make about fetishes, is that they must pertain to or interact directly with a person’s sexuality. But fetishes don’t play a role in defining a person’s sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

There are no cheat codes to cunnilingus, but there are techniques to help you both along the way.

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