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On Oct. 16, the Board of Administration (BOA) of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) met to discuss the student federation’s audit, executive spending, and issues with the Student Association of the Faculty of Arts (SAFA), among other topics.

Letter to the Editor

I got naked. I formed a pyramid. I kissed and touched a whole lot of people. I drank some God-awful shots. But I didn’t have sex with anyone, and I didn’t get a piercing because that was beyond my personal limit. I did things “for the points” but they were all things that I already wanted to do.

Letter to the Editor

Some consensual fun I had with friends is being compared to the sexual violence committed by Donald Trump, all because La Rotonde believes it has a right to report on the sexual activities of its students, and not real issues that they face.

While on-campus experimentation encompasses a cornucopia of mind-altering substances, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and ecstasy are usually the most familiar to students.

In case you haven’t heard the news, most cases of campus sexual harassment are committed by university professors. At least, this is the allegation levelled by Angelina Chapin in her Ottawa Citizen op-ed titled “Universities need to focus on harassment, not just on sex assault.”

Fall fashion is not only the most versatile, but also the most flattering to anyone who dresses for the season. It’s clear that many students at the University of Ottawa know this, because strolling around campus every direction you turn there is a fashionista or fashionisto effortlessly strutting their style.

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