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In the world of beer pairings, people seldom think to include vegetarian fare on their menus. Swap the heavy meet pairings with this budget-friendly, easy to prepare, vegetarian meal that could even impress your parents.

[styled_box title=” Apple slices, banana slices, and strawberries with a fluff and cream-cheese dip” color=”purple”]Paired with: Kichesippi’s seasonal “Logger” (Pennsylvania Porter)


Marshmallow Fluff
Light cream cheese
Fruit of your choice (we used strawberries, bananas, and apples)


Mix equal parts fluff and cream cheese well until smooth and fluffy. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Chop and slice up fruit for dipping.

The soft, lighter notes and texture go well with the dip, and the sweetness of the fruit. The light, malty notes of Logger pair well with the sweetness and creaminess of the dip.
