
wide shot of protest
Photo: Pavel Nangfack/Fulcrum.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Protest continues, with more agitators and more community support

The fourth day of the University of Ottawa’s protest saw an increase in the momentum and organization of the encampment. The number of tents had increased to over 30, from approximately 20 the day before, with formal stations being set up for first-aid, art, and food. Over the course of the day, a dishwashing station, makeshift stove, and tarps were set up to further sustain the encampment.

The morning began with university representatives removing the keffiyeh and Palestinian flag from the Tabaret statue that protestors had adorned the night before. Attendees began booing and chanting “Free Palestine” before the items were returned to organizers. 

Father Joseph-Henri Tabaret was a former president of the U of O known for expanding the university and being a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, who were instrumental in building residential schools

The night before, an individual unaffiliated with the organizers of the encampment spray painted “Free Palestine” onto the steps of Tabaret Hall. The paint was power-washed under the direction of campus security the morning after.

Incidents of agitators also multiplied from the day before: witnesses told the Fulcrum that around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday, a group of three attendees were conducting a perimeter walk. A cyclist with a covered face blared an air horn in an attendee’s ear. An hour later, a car drove past the encampment twice, honking and yelling obscenities at the encampment attendees, including “f— Palestine” and “it’s all a lie.”

At 12:30 p.m., as organizers prepared for the day’s program of speeches, chanting, and painting, a driver passing by exited their vehicle on Cumberland and yelled at protestors. Organizers brought umbrellas to the fence to block this person’s view into the encampment and began chants of “Free Palestine.” The driver flipped off the group and yelled, before noticing he was blocking traffic and drove off.

The non-consensual filming of demonstrators continued into the day, with multiple people pulling back tarps and entering blocked-off areas, where students were still sleeping. The agitators left after organizers blocked their cameras’ view with umbrellas. 

A document from the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) Labour 4 Palestine was shared with the Fulcrum, outlining the organization’s unanimous motion to support the U of O encampment, passed at CAPE’s general meeting on April 30. The document affirmed additional support, such as a financial donation to the encampment later in the week. 

An updated supply list was published to INSAF’s Instagram story, highlighting hygienic items for the camp and sleeping supplies. This included brooms, pillows, walkie-talkies, and additional garbage bags were asked for.

Protestors then listened to U of O criminology full professor Justin Piché, who delivered a speech on behalf of the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (CPEP). He noted that “what the university is doing is f—ing shameful.” Piché demanded that the university need to maintain transparency on “which side they’re on [for], genocide, apartheid, occupation, political imprisonment.” 

The speech echoed similar sentiments held by the rest of the protestors that “divest[ment] is the neutral position.” As the speech came to a close, Piché took efforts to highlight the need to prevent “the criminalization of Palestinian liberation solidarity event” and that investments were to “not [be] in my name. Divest from genocide [U of O].”

Following the speech, organizers called on protestors to join them in making posters. The banner had “All eyes on Gaza” painted onto it alongside several dozen images of eyes. Protestors then wrote letters to Jacques Fremont directed to his office, where organizers would then deliver them.

Student paint a large poster that reads “ALL EYES ON GAZA”.

Construction at Tabaret Hall steps prompted organizers to distribute earplugs and masks to combat the noise and dust produced by the activity; construction occurred Wednesday evening as well.

A speaker from Carleton’s Independent Jewish Voices delivered a speech. “I stand here today as a proud Jew committed to justice and equality for all people. We stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, dignity and self-determination.”

They further remarked, “We will not rest until justice is served, until the occupation ends and until all people can live in peace and security.” Concluding their speech, they stated that to “continue the work of Tikkun Olam, of repairing the world and building a future of justice and peace for all.”

The evening came to a close with attendees gathering around to chant “Shame, Shame Jacques Frémont” and “Free, Free Palestine” in English, French and Arabic.

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  • Kavi Vidya Achar was a news editor for 2023-2024 and took over as co-EIC in April. Achar is entering their second year of a dual major in political science and public administration, and was previously Editor-in-Chief of their high school publication.

  • Amira Benjamin was the Fulcrum's features editor for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 publishing years.

  • Daniel is in his second year of a major/minor in History and English. This is his first year working for the Fulcrum, and (hopefully!) not his last. You can catch him lurking in the Arts & Culture or Features sections! When he's not writing up to his ears, he's probably playing Mahjong or obsessing over new music.

Series Navigation<< ‘A simple meeting is the first step’: reviewing Day 3 of U of O’s student encampment“Look away like you do for genocide”: Student Encampment Continues for Fifth Day >>