
Wheelchair wheels slump over staircase

After studying for five years at the University of Ottawa as a disabled student, I think it fair to say that it isn’t the pillar of accessibility. Yes, most buildings on campus have at least one wheelchair-friendly entrance, and the U of O’s Student Academic Success Service promises to meet student accomodations…but is it enough?

It seems a bit audacious to assign resolutions to other people, but the fact is that the university administration and SFUO have real power to solve problems that have been plaguing students for years. What better time than the fresh slate of a new year to get the ball rolling?

BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (BOA) members returned to the table Feb. 26 to hear reports from the executive of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) and introduce motions regarding discrimination and accessibility to the SFUO constitution. All motions presented were approved for further readings. On board with the meal plan Sarah Jayne King, …

Who goes? Who stays? Why does it matter? AS THE POPULATION ages and the demand for highly skilled workers increases, investment in post-secondary education (PSE) is becoming more and more necessary for economic growth. Equal opportunity for high-school students to go to college or university also matters. Most Canadians believe those who have the desire …