
With the current world being in such a state of economic instability, where every change seems significant compared to the relatively stagnant past 15 years, maybe it’s a time for a new era of trade agreements.

Recently, the federal government announced that it will regulate e-cigarettes within the coming year. While regulation is an important step, it must be done properly.

Ottawa-Vanier Liberal member of parliament, Mauril Bélanger, passed away on Aug. 16 at the age of 61, after a battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Bélanger attended the University of Ottawa in the 1970s, serving as the 1977-79 president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO).

Economist Joseph Stiglitz visits to talk about pending trade agreement The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement between 12 pacific rim countries that was signed by Canada on Feb. 4, is the focus of a growing discussion on how the TPP will affect factors from job creation to patents on generic medicines. While the agreement …

“On the post-secondary side there’s money for research, there’s money for infrastructure, and there’s a commitment, which I think could be really important to try and set up the 2017 budget on an innovation agenda,” he said. “You cannot build an innovation agenda without being connected to places of higher learning like the University of Ottawa,” he said.

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