foolproof fitness

It sounds daunting at first, but all runners started with a mere 5 km at one point. I remember my first run like it was yesterday—I was barely two minutes from home and I was exhausted!

Personal trainer Nick Haince and Spartan race veteran Vanessa Lebrun, a U of O graduate, sat down with the Fulcrum to talk about what it means to train for one of these events and then actually go through it.

I can say with authority that when it comes to whipping someone into shape, this guy knows what he’s talking about. He sat down with the Fulcrum and explained the most common mistakes that people make when starting a new workout regimen.

60 per cent of New Year’s resolutions declared in 2012 were to lose weight and improve diets. Statistically speaking, most people give up on their self-improvement promises by Jan. 9, less than a third of the way through the month.

The worst part of tobogganing when you were little was dragging your sled back up the hill. Now that you’re older, you can appreciate what walking uphill will do to your glutes. It’s a calorie burner too—one hour of tobogganing can work off 345 calories.

“No big deal,” I thought as I swung open the door. Looking back at me were some extremely fit women, and I was intimidated, to say the least.

I’m not suggesting you go to Morisset and run up and down the giant, echoing staircase. I’m talking about the public library.

If getting in shape or looking better in the mirror isn’t enough of a motivator for you to get your butt to the gym, maybe one of these workout perks will do the trick.

FOR SOME, VACATIONS and exercise seem to be mutually exclusive. If you’re on vacation, you don’t exercise, and if you’re exercising, it’s not a vacation. Running shoes are tossed aside in favour of flip-flops and heels because “I won’t need these where I’m going.” The result: Many people come back from vacation feeling exhausted and …

NORMALLY, IF A friend asked me whether I wanted to spend my Sunday morning doing aerobics for four hours instead of sleeping in, I would tell them to kick rocks in flip-flops. When I was asked to participate in the annual Aerobic-a-Thon put on by the University of Ottawa Sports Services, which raises funds for …

FROM A YOUNG age, I hated taking instructions from anyone, including my parents. When my mom would tell me to take a nap, I would retort: “I’m not tired. If you’re tired, why don’t you take a nap?” The first year I had a school photo taken, my mom refused to let me have the …

EXERCISING AND BED are quite similar. Whenever I see half-asleep zombies doing a lethargic step-up, step-down on the StairMaster at the gym for the umpteenth day in a row, I liken them to a set of bed sheets that haven’t been changed in months and months. Just like bed sheets, you need to switch up …

Foolproof fitness MY FIRST YEAR in Ottawa, I flat out refused to adapt my activities to the cold weather. I had grown up on the West Coast, where skiing, golfing, and surfing were perfectly normal ways to spend a December afternoon. Thus, I thought nothing of it when I pulled on my thin layers of …