McMorris might be an asshole, or he might be a really nice guy, but I don’t really know anything about him, outside of the fact that I like the way he snowboards.
McMorris might be an asshole, or he might be a really nice guy, but I don’t really know anything about him, outside of the fact that I like the way he snowboards.
There must be something that makes Canada worth being proud of though. Perhaps our health care? But in fact, most other democratic countries have similar or better levels of national health care. Despite our constant bragging, we’re thirtieth in the world for health care. Twenty-ninth is Morocco.
That is the purpose of debate: to provoke thought and to promote understanding. Suppressing debates for fear of alienating voters might be politically strategic, but it might also leave a millennial wondering how valuable federal politics are in creating social policies. If the federal government can’t speak to the issues that concern millennials, we may see the continuation of a trend toward community-based actions and grassroots initiatives.
With me, it was only when I realized that there was an entire person hiding behind the illness that I was able to recover.
The message? Unless you’re a professional with a large fan base that can increase viewership of the games, your accomplishments somehow mean less. Although I doubt any of us truly think this way, it’s sadly the underlying message when all the attention is given to the pros.
Rules and regulations about how meat is served in Canada is done by the government, which hires highly educated scientists to inspect food and make sure it won’t cause bodily harm. Let us trust the scientists employed and regulated by the government to tell us what beef we should eat, rather than one of the companies trying to sell their product.
In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Qu Tanzhou, director of the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration, said Arctic resources should “be allocated according to the needs of the world, not only owned by certain countries” and that “we cannot simply say that this is yours and this is mine.”
Wait—can’t we? Isn’t the “this is yours and this is mine” mentality crucial to international cooperation and peace? A refusal to see that is dangerous and could send us down a dangerous path where sovereignty means very little.
Concerns of millennials aren’t reflected in political ideologies We’ve heard it before. The millennial generation is apathetic and occasionally pathetic. We’re narcissistic and entitled. We can’t get good jobs, we’re living with our parents, and thanks to high housing prices and the rising cost of education, we’re delaying entry into adulthood. We’re politically disconnected, disenchanted, …
The logic behind the test is extremely short-sighted, since it is primarily concerned with gauging the quantity of female representation in a film, while offering absolutely no judgment whatsoever on the quality of this representation.
Malala is not alone. She is one child among hundreds victimized in conflict zones year after year. However, this girl’s determination and devotion to education allowed her to transform what could have been a symbol of a child’s weakness and of woman’s oppression into a symbol of contestation.
We are constantly trying to understand who we were, who we are, and who we want to be. For better or worse, the media is a part of that process.
“Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough. Sometimes people deserve more.” When it comes to rejection, Batman has never said truer words.
Due to its long and complex history, English seems to have developed a resilience and flexibility that has allowed it to emerge as the most universal language in the world. Its presence on the global stage makes it particularly susceptible to new words and formulations, but this trait also makes it more adaptable and likely to remain a linguistic power.
Canadians should be outraged with this purchase. It signifies the end of competitive hockey programming in this country, furthers the monopolization of the entire Canadian sports and television industries, and effectively ends the relationship millions of Canadians have developed with HNIC since it began on the radio in 1931.
Cutting out Starbucks or drinks at the bar will do little to ease financial stress so long as the necessities remain expensive.
I fear that somewhere within these outreach endeavours is an attempt to make other cultures similar to our own—that maybe we mask our neo-colonial endeavors by calling them community engagement or outreach programs to suggest they are selfless acts.
Full involvement in higher education gives us more than ample opportunity to establish our identity, independent from our relationship status. We need to use university life to our full advantage before tackling the inevitable turbulence of married life.
The battle for the market is no longer between David and Goliath. Goliath now owns David.
I hate Shakespeare’s Hamlet, grapefruits, and the fact that the Arctic Monkeys are playing in my hometown on my birthday and I can’t go see them. But as for Rob Ford, I am simply annoyed that he continues to occupy such a large part of our collective consciousness.
y leaving the bubble of isolated textbook education, you have the potential to learn from your own friends. It could be about something as simple as a great movie, but it could also be about something as important as astrophysics.
“I said I only teach serious heterosexual guys like Marcel Proust and Truman Capote,” said Gilmour. “My assumption was that the journalist was sophisticated enough to understand that those are two of the gayest guys who ever lived, but apparently that went over her head and she thought I was being homophobic and taking a shot at gay writers.”
Increasingly, the realms of politics and debate are making room for the common person. No longer do we trust in the ability of the elites to govern. In fact, trust has turned to cynicism.
Let’s focus on keeping tuition fees close to where they are now and supply all students with the resources they need to afford school, but let’s also put our efforts into perspective.
With Ottawa’s average annual precipitation of 940 millimetres and variably sucky and slushy weather for months of the year, I’ll admit that rain boots are a practical investment. But before you rush out to join the Hunter hordes, consider the economic and environmental costs of the brand you choose to purchase.
“Friends don’t give friends viruses. Friends don’t spyware on each other. But I didn’t ask him to get tested and now I’m dealing with the consequences.”