After speeding through the University of Ottawa campus on Wednesday afternoon on a pedestrian walk, 36-year old driver Marc Andre Fournier was detained by Ottawa Police.
After speeding through the University of Ottawa campus on Wednesday afternoon on a pedestrian walk, 36-year old driver Marc Andre Fournier was detained by Ottawa Police.
Since the eradication of pedestrian walk signal buttons from his ward, Menard has launched an attack on all buttons in general, with no trace of discrimination. The buttons on his office’s microwave, the buttons on all of his clothes, the buttons on his remote control, and the buttons on his home appliances, including his washer and dryer.
Zuckerberg’s sample presentation featured fake news stories the Facebook team plans to promote this election cycle, including headlines such as “Trudeau Pressured Wilson-Raybould to Help Maple Syrup Industry” and “Andrew Scheer Literally Ate A Baby”.
These students seek to tear apart the only binding fabric of the Ottawa population. An unspoken agreement that anything goes this time of year, so long as it keeps you warm. Nobody looks good dressed up as a marshmallow.
This new wave of private residences is defined by their high-end amenities including fitness centres, study rooms, game lounges and planned social events. But responses to the business model from students have been mixed.
Concannon hopes that Ottawa’s first Pop-Up Gaeltacht will provide an opportunity for Ottawa’s Irish enthusiasts to “brush off their cúpla focal” (couple of words) and use the language.
The bus crash is a tragedy the entire city has mourned. In the age of social media, we all want information as soon as we can get our hands on it, even if it isn’t always true. We need to be patient, and trust in the OPS to conduct a proper investigation.
The policy is intended to address a perceived crisis of free speech on campus but has faced backlash by academic organizations who claim it erodes the independence of educational institutions.
“The core issue here is respect. Respect for the First Nations of Turtle Island, and respect for Canadian citizens who have to deal with the fallout of the oil industry’s mess.”—Marie, self-described water warrior.
The University of Ottawa stated their intention to dissolve their agreement with the SFUO in late September, following a string of financial mismanagement allegations against the union’s executive.
On Jan. 11 Ontario announced the winners of the pot licence lottery, with the majority of licences going to individuals rather than corporations. But critics have pointed out these individuals may have a harder time setting up shop in time for the April 1 deadline.
The federal labour relations board says a former public servant and University of Ottawa graduate was wrongfully terminated for working as a teaching assistant at the university while on sick leave for an anxiety disorder.
“Ottawa is really uniquely situated because (you can go exploring) within an hour-drive from downtown. You can be climbing in Calabogie, running in Gatineau Park, skiing in Chelsea, or whitewater kayaking on the Ottawa River,” — Jordan Kent, film festival organizer.
Ottawa—which has often been dubbed the town (or city) that fun forgot—faces lots of challenges when it comes to nightlife.
The City’s voter turnout increased by three points from the 2014 municipal election, at 42 per cent.
Through opening online shopping instead of retail stores first, (especially when Canada Post is on a rotating strike) Ontario is putting the cart before the horse. People need to be able to see the product they intend to purchase, not wait five days for delivery.
I shouldn’t have to watch out to make sure I won’t get hit by Lance Armstrong everytime I leave my house.
Ottawa has two universities and a college, which means there are plenty of students who, if they get politically engaged, can make a real difference and work as a powerful voting block. The student voice needs to be heard in this city, and the ballot box is a great way to do so.
Students break in the LabO with the new performance space’s first performance.
Ottawa heads to the polls on Oct. 22 to vote in this year’s municipal election. The Fulcrum spoke to candidates in five wards surrounding campus to hear their priorities and ideas on issues affecting students.
In a statement released on Sept. 25, the University of Ottawa announced that they have given the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) official notice of termination of the contract held between the SFUO and the university administration.
Global documentaries play for audiences in Ottawa this weekend.
You really can’t go far off campus without seeing a statue of MacDonald—not to mention that there’s a pub and a parkway named after him too.
Scandal and criticism are not new to the SFUO. For those of you who have just arrived at the U of O, let’s take a trip down memory lane.
Student renters especially vulnerable to being taken advantage of by landlords and vice-versa, experts say.