U of O

University of Ottawa part-time professor Deborah Margo of the visual arts department, is going to have to balance her teaching duties with designing an art piece to decorate the new OC Transpo building on Belfast Road, after being chosen by the City of Ottawa.

As most students are wiling away their summers with part-time jobs and extra classes, Muskoka singer-songwriter, Drew Taylor, has been working hard on releasing her first EP, The Flood which came out on July 3.

Almost 30 minutes after the scheduled start time, a platform of lights lowered towards the Bell stage at Ottawa’s 2015 RBC Royal Bank Bluesfest and Kanye West finally walked out. The antsy crowd instantly forgave West’s tardiness as the familiar beats of his 2007 hit “Stronger” pounded out of the speakers.

OCTranspo and the Société de Transport de l’Outaouais (STO), have hammered out a deal that will let Gatineau-based students who study in Ottawa purchase the U-Pass. The new agreement applies to students at the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, St Paul’s University, and Algonquin College, and will be in effect in September.

This past week members of Canada’s three major political parties gathered in the Faculty of Social Sciences building at the University of Ottawa to discuss how environmental sustainability can be reconciled with political interests and economic realities in Canada. The discussion was part of a series of iVote events at the U of O.

The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) revealed at last week’s general assembly that the rape culture workshops that federated bodies were required to undergo earlier in the year didn’t end up happening because of logistical issues.

A new study by researchers at the University of Ottawa is changing the way doctors look at blood transfusions.

The study compared the recovery rates of two groups of patients, one group given fresh blood and the other given older blood, and found no link between recovery and the age of the blood being transfused.

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