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Click ‘yes’ if you are 16 or older

AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD BOY has gained significant online notoriety lately for his antics on the fast-chat website Chatroulette.com. The child, whose name and location remain unknown, has garnered laughs for his racist, sexist, and swear-ridden comments to his unsuspecting chat partners. Many Chatroulette.com users and anonymous online commentators have responded with shock, wondering how a child so young has access to the 16-plus site. Like most age-restricted websites, however, Chatroulette.com merely prompts users to confirm the year of their birth to establish they are old enough to use the service. Is it appalling the boy involved has been granted such unlimited access to the Internet, or is this telling of how ineffectual online precautions can be?


Harper: 1, French: 0

STEPHEN HARPER’S CONSERVATIVE government made a controversial announcement last week when it declared its intention to appoint anglophone Michael Ferguson to the position of auditor general. While bilingualism is a requirement for the job, supporters have argued that Ferguson’s experience should be prized over his inability to communicate in both official languages. The third English-only Conservative minister to accept a high-profile appointment since the Harper majority victory, Ferguson has declared his intention to study hard and brush up on his French as fast as possible. Is Ferguson’s inability to meet the language requirements of his job enough to put his appointment on the chopping block, or does his extensive experience make up for his failure to speak en français?


The show must go on

ONLY A FEW days following the unexpected and untimely death of Gwar producer and guitarist Cory Smoot, the band has made the decision to—keep touring? Smoot, who performs under the Flattus Maximus persona, was found dead on the metal band’s tour bus last week. Discovered by fellow band member Dave Brockie, Smoot was found as the band attempted to enter Canada in order to embark on the next leg of their tour. While Gwar has said that they will retire Smoot’s costume and persona, they will continue to play their Canadian shows until the scheduled end of their tour. Is this an incredible show of the band’s dedication to their fans, or blatant disregard for the death of a fellow musician?

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