
The multi-genre musical group—with classical, jazz, folk, and rock influences—describes themselves as “an end of the world party” and for good reason.

The first thing to bear in mind is that most music—pop music especially—can hardly be called original. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all not all chords sound good together.

There’s no better way to warm up as the cold weather approaches than by sitting down with a nice, hearty drink.

No Man’s Sky allows players to wander freely throughout the cosmos, walking paths no one has ever walked before and manages to make it enjoyable despite the sometimes dry gameplay.

Slam poetry or a ‘slam’ is simply the competition between fellow poets, and allows for individual or group performances. The performers and the audience resonate through each other, and vicariously experience what the poets have to share. Through a dance of words it forms a discussion or a debate where the winner is chosen by judges who are typically advocates of the art.

The street was lined with an array of businesses, banks, political parties, and charitable organizations—like the Foundation for Wellness Professionals of Ottawa—all standing in solidarity and support for the promotion of LGBTQ+ rights.

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