
“I’m very comfortable with my personality and my sexuality,” he would tell me later. “No subject is taboo to me.”

Occasionally an event occurs that can turn life upside down. Whether it’s an illness, divorce, or the death of a loved one, tragedies outside of our control happen, often when we least expect them.

Although these seem to be obvious qualities anyone would want from a partner, it isn’t always easy to identify whether or not they are lacking when you’re blinded by emotion. Sara Quinton* is a U of O student who was in an unhealthy relationship. She didn’t recognize the negative aspects of her relationship until her after partner broke up with her.

“But it’s in a way that doesn’t really help to resolve the issues. It’s more of a one-way interaction where they may gain more knowledge on an issue, maybe there’s a donation involved to a local charity—which of course I’m not minimizing—but it doesn’t do anything to address any of the root causes of the issues.”

Among the general population, voluntourism has a positive connotation in the sense that rather than just having fun, people are also making an effort to help others. But among people who study the field or are experts in the area of international development, there’s a lot more skepticism.

Today, individuals follow special diets for as many reasons as there are types of cuisine; religious practices, ideological beliefs, and allergies can call play a part. Four foodies share their experiences living on different diets and offer students a spoonful of advice.

I’m not saying you don’t hang out with your friends and have a great time. I’m saying you don’t do it with six beers in a night. You buy one beer and you hold on to that beer. You sip that sucker till it’s so warm it feels like pee going in before it’s pee coming out.

Becoming familiar with the OC Transpo schedules, routes, and pitfalls will make your life a lot easier and ensure you get to enjoy all that this great city has to offer.

I had to eat the same lame cafeteria food every day, I felt a ton of stress about courses I wasn’t doing so well in, and I was sick of being confined to a 14-by-14 room with another human being, as wonderful as my roommate was.

Also fuzzy, but less cute, were the germs I later discovered lurking in my residence, a building whose delightfully ivy-covered exterior cleverly distracted from the dark secrets hidden within.

Here are my recommendations for drinks that are sure to help you have a great night.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have that wisdom beforehand, and fewer regrets after? We here at the Fulcrum put our heads together to try to give you just that.

Here’s a brief survival guide for making it through those debaucherous evenings with nothing but a strong buzz and a stronger French vocabulary.

The Fulcrum has some tasty meal suggestions which will satisfy your taste buds and your budget alike.

Despite your satisfaction with your timetable, if you walk into the classroom and encounter any of the following, run far, far away.

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