
Every year thousands of people gather on Parliament Hill on April 20 to protest Canada’s cannabis laws. This year organizers plan to “Fill the Hill” with youth political parties and host debates on cannabis legalization

To present a well-rounded and fully formed argument in front of a panel of legal experts is a challenge for any lawyer.

A recent study by Dr. Darine El-Chaar and University of Ottawa professor Dr. Mark Walker explores the correlation between obesity and pregnancy and the health problems that can occur when an expectant mother is overweight

On March 24, Ethan Plato, president of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) put forth three motions to change the SFUO election system that were later rejected by the Board of Administrators (BOA).

Judge dismisses Denis Rancourt’s allegations that Professor Joanne St. Lewis would not have taken legal action against him if the university had her legal costs not been covered by the university

Sara Lauzon, a third-year history student at the University of Ottawa, has made a name for herself in her hometown of Cornwall dealing with many issues of the city’s past that most have neglected.

For the third consecutive year, the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management took part in 5 Days for the Homeless, an event that had students living on the streets for five days while raising money and awareness for the homeless in Ottawa.

The championship for the central division title of the Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate (CUSID) took place March 8–10. The University of Ottawa English Debating Society (EDS) hosted the Léger Cup as participating schools fought for first place in CUSID’s central division.

Organ donation has been in the spotlight these days more than ever before, but statistics still show that while 90 per cent of Canadians support organ/tissue donation, less than 25 per cent have made plans to donate.

Campus Pride week may have come and gone at the University of Ottawa, but for Cody Boast, a third-year political science student, the incident that occurred on March 4 left him feeling little pride in his campus community.

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