
Troubles with texting The problem LOOK AT THIS article. Now at your phone. Now back to this article. Chances are, you have plenty of text messages saying something like, “OMG, ttyl, g2g”—or at least that’s what some people might expect. Expectations aside, there isn’t much scientific knowledge surrounding texting habits. Texting is private, and finding …

Well, I feel left out THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) supported the Occupy movement, organized a Day of Action for the Education is a Right campaign, and picketed with the postal workers in the summer. The Canadian Federation of Students, which the SFUO is a part of, openly supports political candidates, …

Broken water main floods Elgin businesses    OTTAWA—A WATER MAIN on Elgin Street broke on Jan. 18, making it the second broken water pipe to burst in Ottawa over the past two weeks   and forcing the city to close down Elgin Street to replace the pipe. An estimated $30 million will be spent on …

Vision 2020 goals expected to be met HALEIGH PREVOST ACCEPTED her offer to the University of Ottawa’s criminology program last week, getting in to her dream program. Prevost is one of the new students who will be attending the U of O this September, and one of 22,500 who applied. “Criminology was probably the perfect …

OTTAWA’S FIRST HOMICIDE of 2012 was discovered on Jan. 22 at 2:20 a.m. Navid Niran, a 24-year-old Ottawa man, was found on the intersection of Dalhousie Street and Besserer Street, minutes away from the University of Ottawa bookstore, Agora. Niran was transported to hospital by ambulance, where he died of his injuries. As of Monday …

More than 75 student journalists fall ill at national conference in B.C. VICTORIA (CUP)—IT SPREAD VERY, very quickly. It could have been just one person not washing their hands; that’s how a norovirus-like illness infected more than 75 delegates attending the Canadian University Press national conference at the Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites in Victoria, …

Rideau Canal to open this month  OTTAWA—THE RIDEAU CANAL is expected to be open for skating by mid-January for its 42nd season, according to National Capital Commission spokesperson Jasmine Leduc. Good skating ice depends on cold weather with no snow, and Leduc is hoping the past week’s mild weather will have little impact on the …

What the F?! RONALD BALL OF Madison County, Il. is suing PepsiCo, the maker of Mountain Dew soft drink. Ball claims that in November 2009 he purchased a can of Mountain Dew from a vending machine that tasted foul. Ball poured the rest of the drink into a styrofoam cup and discovered the problem: The …

Next Stop LET’S FACE IT: Not many people follow through on their New Year’s resolutions. Whether it’s to lose weight or get better grades, chances are you’ll forget everything you hope to do by February. Nonetheless, below are a few resolutions I’d like certain Canadians to actually stick to. Support for students  Last year, Ontario Premier Dalton …

Website hopes to be go-to place for university materials STUDENTS TRYING TO save money on their textbooks now have a new resource,, launched by Carleton University students Shahir Kahriz and Matthew Grodinsky. The website, designed for students, provides a place to buy and sell books, course packs, and notes. “There are sites to buy and sell textbooks and there are bookstores, but …

Environmental focus for project addressing capacity issues THE NEW $112.5-million social sciences building, towering above the University of Ottawa campus, is nearing completion. Funded by federal and provincial governments and the university, the tower addresses capacity problems at the university while implementing sustainable and environmental initiatives. Capacity for social sciences The renovations to the Vanier building and the construction of the building will add …

Participation at an all-time high MEET SHANE MACKENZIE, leader of the Ideological Pragmatist Party and a prime minister who likes to dream big. As stated in his party’s platform, “This party looks at big moments in Canadian history and says, ‘Yeah we could do that,  but bigger.’” On Jan. 20–22, the Ideological Pragmatist and four other parties …

Partnership to expand program recognizing high-school student leaders THE FACULTY OF Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa announced a partnership with the Canadian Future Achievers (CFA) program on Nov. 30. The partnership seeks to foster continuity of the program, which targets Caribbean and First Nations students aged 9–16, encouraging them to act as role models in their community. “[The program] is …

Eleven G20 arrestees see charges dropped, six jailed MONTREAL (CUP)—THE COURT CASE of 17 alleged conspirators involved in the G20 protests of June 2010 ended Nov. 22, with six found guilty and 11 walking free. Two of the 17 are organizers from a group called Convergences de luttes anti-capitalistes (CLAC). Patrick Cadorette, one of the …

What the F?!  ONEAL RON MORRIS, a 30-year-old transgendered woman, has allegedly been injecting cement and tire-filler, among other substances, into her clients while working as a faux plastic surgeon in Miami, Fl. Facing charges of practising medicine without a licence, Morris was arrested on Nov. 18, but was soon released after posting bail. Two …

Occupy movement turns its focus to holiday consumption WITH THE OCCUPY movement staggered by camp break-ups across the continent, a Canadian non-profit magazine that sent out the first Occupy call has issued a new twist. Adbusters, the Vancouver-based monthly magazine, has long advocated in favour of Buy Nothing Day in the place of Black Friday, when individuals consider their consumption habits and …

U of O researcher examines sexual relationships among youth ACCORDING TO JOCELYN Wentland, a PhD student at the University of Ottawa in experimental psychology, casual sexual relationships can be placed into one of four categories: The one-night stand, the booty call, the friend with benefits, and the fuck buddy. Her study,  “Taking Casual Sex Not …

Next Stop ON NOV. 30, the National Post reported on a series of false byelection phone calls made by the Conservative party. The calls were made in the riding of Mount Royal Liberal MP Irwin Cotler, falsely claiming he had resigned and that a byelection would be called. During their calls to residents in the …

Local brewery and Operation Come Home team up AFTER THE PROGRAM was shut down by provincial authorities, Buy Your Beau’s Online (BYBO) is up and running again. The home-delivery service for the Ottawa area, initiated by Operation Come Home and Beau’s beer, originally launched Nov. 24, only to be shut down later that day. BYBO …

  Parliament debates the future of gun control in Canada  ON OCT. 25, the Conservative government introduced Bill C-19 to the House of Commons, an act designed to end the long-gun registry. Heavy opposition from both the New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Liberal Party of Canada greeted the bill, adding to the dialogue accompanying …

Students show their contempt for omnibus crime bill DESPITE FREEZING TEMPERATURES and snowfall, the Young Greens at the University of Ottawa dressed up as policeman and prisoners, taking turns being locked up in mock jail cells—all to protest Bill C-10, the Harper government’s omnibus crime bill, on Tabaret lawn Dec. 2. The bill, also known as the Safe Streets and Communities Act, consists of nine separate …

Constance Backhouse awarded prestigious Canadian research grant ON NOV. 25 University Research Chair and university professor Constance Backhouse was awarded the Gold Medal for Achievement in Research by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). She received the award for leadership and dedication in the fields of feminist history, human rights, legal history, and …

Arts could win $1,000 donation towards campaign SINGING, DANCING, AND fundraising—all that and more can be seen in the Student Association of the Faculty of Arts’ (SAFA) video entry into a national Shinerama video competition for the grand prize of a $1,000 donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada made on behalf of the winning university. SAFA …

What’s he building in there? The problem EVERY CELL THAT makes up our body carries genetic information needed to create a human being. Before birth, those cells become specialized—some cells are blood cells, some are kidney cells, some are neurons, and some are stem cells that have the freedom to become any cell the body needs. …

CASA concludes advocacy week OTTAWA (CUP)—LAST WEEK, THE Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) conducted over 120 meetings with members of Parliament, senators, and bureaucrats. Discussion focused on four main areas of concern: The Canada Student Loans Program and unmet student need, copyright legislation and digital locks, the Post-Secondary Student Support Program, and improved access …

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