
ANDY WARHOL USED to trade paintings for desserts at Serendipity 3, a popular New York City ice cream parlour that has been visited by the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable throughout its 57 years in business. Serendipity 3 owners and a select group of guests are planning to reconnect with the ice cream …

Campaign highlights job issues for students HAVE YOU EVER wondered about job security for university graduates? Launched by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), the How Screwed Are You campaign is expected to pull the issue of employment to the forefront of the upcoming Ontario provincial election, catering to the needs of university students and recent graduates. The …

THE BOARD OF Administration (BOA) sat on Sept. 18 for their first official meeting of the semester. It was also the first meeting headed by Dave Molenhuis, the new BOA chair. The Fulcrum took a look at the two motions that made amendments to the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) constitution. Tiebreak vote removed …

Race supports Canadian Forces and their families THE ANNUAL ARMY Run was held in Ottawa this weekend, attracting over 16,000 runners and rollers who participated in the half marathon and 5K races. First held in 2008, the event has a rich history of bringing together Army and non-army participants to support the Canadian Forces. “The …

A 51-YEAR-OLD MAN known only as Jean-Louis B. of France has been fined an equivalent of $13,965 under article 215 of France’s civil code for failing to have enough sex with his ex-wife over the course of their 21-year marriage. The couple filed for divorce two years ago on the grounds of Jean-Louis B.’s lack …

Chemistry as art The problem UNLIKE MEDIEVAL ALCHEMISTS, who only dreamt of turning lead to gold, modern chemists are experts at reshaping matter. They can produce many molecules, but the process is often wasteful and time consuming. On the other hand, Mother Nature is much more efficient at the task, proving that chemists still have …

Campaign encourages students to vote in provincial election THE SPRING OF 2011 was an exciting period of vote mobs and campaigns aimed at getting students to the polls for the federal election. In light of the upcoming provincial election on Oct. 6, groups have once again begun mobilizing youth and persuading them to get involved. …

WHEN I FIRST saw the petition to put beer and wine in convenience stores, I reached for the pen like my life depended on it. My signature appeared in the little white box in a flash and I started telling all of my friends about how I finally won’t have to cross booze run bridge …

Petition seeks to put wine and beer in Ontario convenience stores LATELY, CORNER STORES in Ontario have begun carrying not just necessary products and snack foods, but also petitions. Many are now participating in the Free Our Beer campaign, which seeks to make beer and wine available in convenience stores. Backed by the Ontario Convenience …

Students experience problems picking up U-Pass GETTING A U-PASS was a challenge for U of O students this year, with some waiting in line for hours to get the card. Distribution continued almost two weeks into September due to technical issues faced by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO). “We had technical …

101 Week guide encourages underage drinking Jack Witwer, former vp social (anglo) for the Political, International, and Development Studies Student Association (PIDSSA) and 101 Week guide, was caught asking minors for fake IDs in order to let them drink during 101 Week. Other executive members have submitted complaints to PIDSSA and the Student Federation of …

Picture taken at the event, of the CFS protestors. Courtesy of Jake Lavoie

Activists think it’s time to leave CFS SOME MEMBERS OF the federated bodies made a bold statement to incoming University of Ottawa students at Fedstock this Saturday. At the concert concluding the week’s events, 101 Week guides pulled off their jackets during a cheer, revealing “Stop CFS” T-shirts underneath. They then chanted “Defed!” to over …

Grad student association talks about the upcoming year Taiva Tegler — External Commissioner Describe your job in a sentence. Strengthening links on campus—locally, provincially, and nationally—through collaboration and action on student issues such as research funding, social innovation, access, and equity. What do you hope to accomplish this year? This year, I would like to …

Members of the student federation answer the Fulcrum’s questions on the upcoming year Amalia Savva — President Describe your job in a sentence. My role as president is to be the spokesperson for the student federation, as well as playing a number of different roles like chairing executive or committee meetings, or ensuring the smooth …

Saying goodbye to the HST BRITISH COLUMBIA — IN AN UNPRECEDENTED referendum on Aug. 26., British Columbia voted against keeping the Harmonized Sales Tax. The tax, scrapped by 54 per cent of voters, had been in place for just over a year in the province. The B.C. government is now discussing the return of $1.6 …

I HEARD ABOUT Jack Layton’s death on the radio on my way to work. I was driving at the time, and my speed fluctuated between dangerous highs and lows as I completely lost interest in the lane I was supposed to stay in. Text messages from friends and acquaintances poured in after a few minutes …

New student card integrates services and goes online THIS JUNE, A new student ID card was made available at the University of Ottawa. The all-in-one uOttawa Card has a fresh look and new functions that make it more useful, secure, and convenient for students. “We tried to get rid of some of the run-around on …

YVONNE, A REFUGEE cow, has been making headlines since May when she fled her field in Zangberg, Germany. She ran away after sensing a trip to the slaughterhouse, ultimately causing hunters, animal rights activists, and those looking to make €10,000 to become involved in the search. The cow spent her new-found freedom peacefully grazing the …

Campus bar gets an upgrade THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is looking to make their on-campus bar profitable this year. 1848, the student-run campus watering hole, has been upgrading its kitchen, menus, and overall look this summer to lure in customers during the 2011–12 school year. With these changes premiering this …

The problem AROUND THE WORLD amphibian life is on the decline. Many scientists believe we are currently amidst the sixth wave of a mass extinction. It is their conjecture that, unlike past extinction events, this wave is not due to natural phenomena, but is directly related to human activity that has led to the loss of …

Friends call on authorities to help rescue journalist MAHDI NAZEMROAYA, A recent graduate from the University of Ottawa, has called on his friends and acquaintances to help him leave Libya. After spending the past two months in the country working as an independent journalist, he now fears for his life because of the civil conflict …

Laurier Avenue bike lane now open JULY 10 MARKED the opening of Laurier Avenue West’s segregated bike lane, the first project of its kind in Ontario. The motion that led to the creation of the two-year pilot program was passed in January of 2011. More than 12,000 cyclists have used the segregated bike lane since …

AS VARIOUS INTERNET-RELATED CRTC hearings begin and conclude, I got thinking about Internet regulation. Aside from being used for porn, the Internet is an information and communication portal. This brings to mind a couple of questions. Firstly, what’s your favourite type of porn? But I’ll leave that one for Dear Di. Secondly—and the question I …

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