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Dear Editor, New Canadian sanctions against ongoing settler attacks in Palestine are reasonable but unlikely to have the desired impact. Equally important is the need for Canada to stand up against all violence against civilians, especially violence against children, to reinforce the maintenance of humanitarian access corridors, and to protect the unique needs of children …

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The globe celebrated a tremendous milestone in 2022: child mortality rates reached an all-timelow, with a 50% reduction in fatalities among children under the age of five since 2000. Thisaccomplishment demonstrates the value of investing in health and education. Despite theseachievements, 4.9 million children die each year from avoidable causes, highlighting thecontinuous need for action. …

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I’m writing to address two recent stories in The Fulcrum where fires in properties that are owned or managed by Smart Living Properties have been referenced. I appreciate the opportunity to shed light on the events surrounding these unfortunate incidents.

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As we approach a new cycle of student union elections, I wanted to share some thoughts about how the University of Ottawa Students’ Union can better engage the student community.

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“Scholars must remain vigilant whenever academic freedom collides with diversity. The former can be compromised by EDI activists, who in turn will only be pacified once their demands to censor ‘offensive’ remarks or ‘dangerous’ ideas are met by university administrators,” writes University of Ottawa school of sociological and anthropological studies professor Stuart Chambers.

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“In seventeen years of teaching at the University of Ottawa, I have found that a majority of students are optimistic … This year, students were unanimous in their despair. Climate inaction was on their mind … Students could not come up with any solution that they believed would get us off our disastrous track,” writes professor Thomas Boogaart of the University of Ottawa’s department of history.

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“The current political system does not easily allow for homelessness to be an issue that gains much attention or commitment from elected officials. This is largely disheartening and reflects poorly upon voters and politicians but it also has the upside of partly keeping bad rhetoric out of the discourse,” writes Quinn Sam, a student entering his second year studying political science and economy at the University of Ottawa.

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“As a soon-to-be graduating nursing student, I’ve come to realize that health sciences programs, although intensive, unquestionably fail to address humans’ interconnectedness with animals and nature, known as the One Health approach. Never once in my classes have we addressed how human health and well-being are intrinsically related to that of the environment,” writes fourth-year University of Ottawa nursing student, Maëla Séguin.

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“With over 90 per cent of North Americans admitting that they have gone to work while sick, the importance of wearing masks to prevent transmission and illness is a lesson learnt; to remember once the COVID-19 crisis is over. We should not have to wait for another global pandemic to remind us of lessons learned.” writes Rhyanna Melanson, a 2020 U of O graduate in biology.

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“Your athletes and your community do not want your emails or your social media posts, they want you to take accountability for your actions (or lack thereof), and implement sustainable change in the form of policies and action. Your words without action are and will continue to be empty,” write a collective of members from the University of Ottawa women’s rugby team.

Letter to the Editor

“What is happening at the University of Ottawa is not about white folk’s right to access reclaimed verbiage by communities outside of their own, nor about academic freedom, as we have been so led to believe. What we are collectively bearing witness to is about power; namely who can access it, and who must succumb to it,” writes Shadé Edwards, a second-year common law student at the University of Ottawa.

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“How do we make progress from here at the University of Ottawa? If by terming it as a good crisis, Jacques Frémont is going to make transformational changes in the U of O landscape, I am all behind him, but if it is going to be talk, PR, and no action, then his legacy will be harshly judged by all generations,” writes Rony Fosting an international student at the University of Ottawa.

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“How are you protecting me—how are you protecting us? I implore all of you to interrogate your activism: who have you been leaving behind? Who have you failed to hold space for? In your silence and complacency, whose lives have you decided no longer matter?,” writes Shadé Edwards a second-year law student at the University of Ottawa in the common law section.

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“My concerns stem from this mental health crisis which has been exacerbated by the uncertainty of a pandemic; I worry about the mentalities professors have adopted in wake of all classes being shifted online,” says third-year U of O political science and history student Nelson Mahmoudi

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