
Dr. Google has become convenient, perhaps a little too convenient. In fact, according to recent studies, 80 per cent of people who visit health and medical websites self-diagnose on a regular basis. It’s as simple as quickly searching your symptoms and finding out what disease you’ve just contracted. In a matter of minutes, you have the answer to your most troubling questions.

Wait times for most major surgeries average over a year in many provinces, although the interprovincial variation is significant (with some of the shortest wait times on the west coast, and the longest in Quebec).

They’re cutting edge, but most importantly, they’re cool. You do not listen to their music. Therefore, you are not cool.

It is no secret that we English Quebecers feel a certain disconnect with our own province. This disconnect explains why we turn the television off when Jean Charest or Pauline Marois come on and why we choose any activity over heading to a ballot box.

“There is a cancer eating away at the news business—the cancer of boredom, superficiality, and irrelevance—and radical surgery is needed.”

McGill University PhD candidate Katie Pagnucco worries that Marois doesn’t respect or even want anglophone students in the province. Pagnucco is right to worry. Marois has been vocal about her intentions to introduce francophone policies that won’t be good for English speakers.

Canada has always been known for its peacekeeping political stance. This country has been referred to as an “honest broker” in its past relations with the Middle East. What does this sudden development between Canada and Iran mean regarding the future of this diplomatic tradition?

Regardless of political finger-pointing or posturing, the events that transpired in Montreal are a tragedy. No matter how careful we are to tone down our rhetoric or find common ground in the wake of a crisis, there will always be individuals whose motivations we cannot fully understand.

The ultimate abuse is using profanity where it is absolutely not necessary, simply because someone can’t be bothered with finding a more articulate expression. Don’t get me wrong, nothing feels better than dropping an F-bomb in frustrating situations, but there is a time and a place.

It seems that young adults today are suffering from the Peter Pan Complex. This pop-psychology term alludes to our avoidance of growing up. But our generation’s obsession with youth has transformed into something far beyond Neverland or any childhood tale.

In fact, one person I spoke to who had deleted his profile described how a Facebook group was set up in his honour asking whether he was dead or not because, obviously, life can’t go on without Facebook. Or can it?

It’s difficult to define our age group by a couple of sentences—especially when most of us are meandering young adults just starting to discover who we really are. But, undeniably, there are a few distinct things about our generation that makes us, well, us.

But because frosh week targets such a specific group of students, it ends up alienating other groups. And school spirit, which should exist all year round, becomes a manufactured byproduct of frosh—a product with a short shelf life.

I come from a rural town in the west of Ireland, where about 95 per cent of the population is Irish and Caucasian, so Ottawa was quite a culture shock for me. No two people are in any way similar, and I love it!

As I walk around our great city, I can’t help but notice a trend: cyclists are douchebags. Now I do realize that there are many cyclists out there who are nice people, but the majority of them are assholes.

But numbers, facts, and figures aside, there is reason for this deal to raise eyebrows, because if the merger were to be approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the Canadian broadcasting landscape would forever be changed.

But what if university isn’t thrilling? What if the thought of learning theories, solving difficult equations, and reading scores of literature triggers our gag reflexes and sends cold chills down our spines?

Bigger companies generate more revenue, and successful businesses usually dominate the marketplace. This belief has led to many company mergers over the past 50 years.

They hit each other with sticks. They call each other names I can’t write in this paper. They all carry toy guns, even the toddler whose plastic shotgun drags on the ground because it’s a good six inches taller than he is.

But how hazardous can texting and walking be? Hazardous enough that the city of Fort Lee in New Jersey has decided to start fining people $85 for texting while walking.

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