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The street was lined with an array of businesses, banks, political parties, and charitable organizations—like the Foundation for Wellness Professionals of Ottawa—all standing in solidarity and support for the promotion of LGBTQ+ rights.

While construction of the new light rail transit (LRT) campus station might be inconvenient for commuters, it also introduces a new set of challenges for the University of Ottawa Faculty of Science’s Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) facility, which houses millions of dollars of research equipment.

Maintaining your perfect summer bod can be a daunting task, but the Tomato is here to help. Working out can be fun if you do it right, and with this list we guarantee that by the end of the summer you’ll be ready for your next Friends marathon.

A safe, introductory health-care service, where users have the freedom to explore their options without fear of being charged, is desperately needed in Ottawa. By allowing addicts to use drugs in a space where they are surrounded by health-care professionals and treatment pamphlets, seeking addiction treatment becomes a step that’s much less dramatic and scary.

Last month the chairperson of the CRC Program published an open letter on behalf of the program’s steering committee, which urged university presidents in the program to make a “concerted effort to address the under representation of the four designated groups (women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities) in nominations for Canada Research Chair positions.”

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