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Image: Kai Holub/Fulcrum
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JUNE 1 — INSAF and the Palestinian Students Association have published an update of their ongoing negotiations with the University of Ottawa administration to their Instagram page. The student groups’ discussed that they had met with administration in the preceding week; they also mentioned that they had provided two follow-up revisions to a written proposal on May 27th.

INSAF claims that the U of O’s economic disclosure would exclude its pension plan; however, they still await the disclosure of their endowment list today. Although the university administration agreed to adjust their investment guidelines, chief investment officer, Francois Dionne, “was still unable to even promise that their new guidelines would be able to prevent more investments into companies implicated in genocide.”

Interim provost and vice-president, academic affairs, Jacques Beauvais, was reportedly “open to reassess institutional relationships beyond exchange programs, such as the Tel Aviv program”, and “implement a stricter criteria for those.” Beauvais additionally committed $200,000 to Palestinian scholars at risk. 

INSAF reiterated their demands yet remained optimistic for the administration’s response. However, they said they will not accept “a proposal that again falls short of our demands.”


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