Meet A Gee-Gee

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tyler Sawyer | Football

Maclaine Chadwick | Fulcrum Staff

Photo by S. Constaza

“Meet a Gee-Gee” takes a look at the people under the jerseys. Whether they’re varsity athletes or otherwise, we ask the players questions you want answers to. We get the dirt, straight from the horse’s mouth.

MEET TYLER SAWYER: fifth-year linebacker, human kinetics student, and poster boy for University of Ottawa football. In an email interview with the Fulcrum, Sawyer told us about his plans after graduation, his favorite memory at the U of O, and football’s unofficial team mascot.

The Fuclrum: What will you miss the most about playing football for the U of O?

Tyler Sawyer: The camaraderie of playing with my teammates.

Do people ever recognize you from the poster on the side of the Sports Complex?

All the time!

What are your plans after graduation?

To keep living the dream. I would like to coach and pass on my knowledge.

My team members would vote me “most likely to __________”

Be the original prankster.

On a Sunday afternoon, you can find me__________.

In sweats, watching the old pigskin.

If I didn’t play football, I would be_________.

Running track and field.

What is something that most people would be surprised to know about you? 

I like elephants.

What is your favorite memory of the U of O aside from football? 

Carrying my cooler of food around campus and eating in class.

Is it true that you kept a goldfish in the locker room last season? 

Every year! Unfortunately this season on day three of camp, it was gone. [There was a] tank full of water, but no fish.

What is your motto/words to live by?

“Get to vs. got to” and live the dream.

If you had one word to sum up the 2012–2013 season, what would it be and why?

Together. What we did as a team together…Words cannot even describe the emotion behind it.

If you have a suggestion for an athlete you would like to see interviewed, email [email protected]