women's basketball

First-year public international affairs student Angela Tilk has moved to the capital this year for her master’s program at the University of Ottawa—and for basketball. Tilk had great success at Ryerson University during her undergraduate years. She was known as the strong undersized post across the province. In her first year, she was awarded the Ontario University Athletics East All-Rookie Team, and then in the 2011–2012 season she was given the Second Team East All-Stars award.

The Gee-Gees remain undefeated and seem likely to maintain their number two ranking following their two games on the Nov. 22–23 weekend beating Waterloo 98–60 on Friday and Laurier 89–68 on Saturday night.

The Gee-Gees women’s basketball team took on the Waterloo Warriors and the Wilfred Laurier Golden Hawks on the Nov. 22–23 weekend at Montpetit Hall.

The Gee-Gees’ basketball season began for both the men’s and women’s teams Nov. 1–2 with two back-to-back games against the Western Mustangs and Windsor Lancers.

In their final run of the 2012–2013 season, the University of Ottawa women’s basketball team played in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Final 8 tournament in Regina, Sask. from March 15-17.

The team will travel to nationals with five all-star nods on top of Sparks’ coach-of-the-year honour. Gilbert and Kellie Ring were named to the OUA East first all-stars team, Stephen represents the Gees on the second team, and the duo of Traer and Julia Soriano were named to the all-rookie team.

In their third match of the season, the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) East Division finals, the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees women’s basketball team fell 50-43 to the Carleton University Ravens.

Katherine DeClerq | Fulcrum Staff FOR THE FIRST time ever, the University of Ottawa women’s basketball team brought back something shiny from the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Final Eight championships. A bronze medal was the result of a long weekend in Calgary, where the Gees faced tough competition from across the nation. Their final game …

Katherine DeClerq | Fulcrum Staff THE GEES LED an incredible season this year, with a record 16-consecutive-game winning streak, their first Capital Hoops victory ever, and to top it off, they managed to win the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) gold medal match against the Windsor Lancers—a team that beat the Gees at the last three …

Katherine DeClerq | Fulcrum Staff “WORDS ARE, IN my not-so-humble of opinions, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” Yes, those wise words were spoken by Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of the fictional school of wizardry in the world of Harry Potter. But over the past weekend, they could just as easily have been applied to …

ON MARCH 3, the University of Ottawa women’s basketball team (19-3 regular season, 3-0 playoffs) was called to the centre of the court to accept the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) trophy after winning the gold medal match against the previous OUA champions the Windsor University Lancers (20-2 regular season,2-1 playoffs). “I think that is the …

DESPITE A ROUGH start, the University of Ottawa women’s basketball (19-3 regular season, 2-0 playoffs) team came out on top in the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) semifinal match against the Brock University Badgers (15-7 regular season, 1-1 playoffs) 63-49. The first half of the game saw the Gees uncomfortable on their own court. Fifth-year centre …

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