The Tomato

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U of O Gossip

In the sub-basement of the Jock Turcot University Centre (UCU) lives a magical frog. It’s damp down there, the heaters in the winter make it downright tropical, and frankly, it is the perfect climate for a magical frog. Believe me, I was in a seminar course with a guy whose sister’s friend talked to the frog once.

It seems that the frog now lives in a room that we humans used to call a “broom closet”. Now, I don’t know how old the frog is exactly, but I do know the frog was born, grew up, and has always stayed in the sub-basement of the UCU.

The UCU was opened in 1973, and at some point a tadpole who would become our magical frog spawned somewhere in the halls or pipes of UCU’s sub-basement. He has never seen the sun, he understands not the passage of time outside of the arrival and departure of people to the UCU sub-basement.

Over the span of decades, this amphibian has seen small glimpses of our human lives and has come to understand very little of it. It is with the wisdom only possessed by an isolated genius that the frog has spoken to the friend of the sister of that guy in my seminar course.

It’s been reported as having said something along the lines of; ‘What the heck is a Gee-gee?’


  • Bridget Coady was the Fulcrum's news editor from spring to fall of 2021. Before that, she was the Fulcrum's staff photographer.