
The Muppets 4/5 THE MUPPETS IS one movie that could have easily been butchered by a group of old, crusty, out-of-touch executives who think Jim Henson’s creations aren’t cool enough to appeal to modern audiences. Luckily, in this recent incarnation, the classic marionette and puppet hybrids have not been replaced with computer generated doppelgangers and Kermit …

Getting your caffeine fix on campus Compiled by Sofia Hashi WHETHER IT’S LATE-NIGHT lattes or an early morning cup of joe, getting your daily caffeine rush is a serious business. Any strategic coffee drinker knows where they can find the best cup within a matter of minutes and will scoff at the casual coffee sipper, who usually finds themselves trapped in the longest …

Local designer goes green IN OUR FAST-PACED and consumer-oriented culture, we rarely take the time to think about the effects our lifestyles have on the environment. With our constant misuse of recyclable products and insatiable lust for the next big thing, it’s no wonder sustainable shops like Duffield Design have begun cropping up. Local designer Megan Duffield, owner …

    Author and financial planner Lise Adreana sits down with the Fulcrum CHECKING THE SORRY state of a perpetually negative bank statement is not something new to the university experience. In fact, it’s generally accepted that as students we’re broke—constantly. While the notion of waiting for payday only to blow through that cash as fast as possible is something we’ve all embraced, financial planner …

NGC exhibits collection by the Canadian contemporary artist DAVID DIVINEY, CURATOR of exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, has organized a collection of contemporary art by David Askevold in memory of the artist who died in 2008. Thirty-nine works, including sculptures, film and video, photo-text works, and digital images, are on display at the National Gallery of Canada until Jan. …

U of O professor publishes zombie essay collection IN 2009, UNIVERSITY of Ottawa mathematics and statistics professor Robert Smith? and his students wrote a paper When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection. After two years of significant media buzz about his unusual publication, Smith?returns to publication as the editor of a …

THE ART OF thrift shopping may seem cheap and dirty to some, but for vintage lovers the thrift store is paradise. Little can replace the euphoric high accompanying a vintage find. The art of thrifting takes plenty of practice and many bouts of disappointment. Follow these tips on thrift shopping and you can become a …

MTV growing up or getting old? OTTAWA—A NEW BOOK has been released examining MTV’s glory days in the 1980s. The book, I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Revolution, delves into MTV’s early history and its cultural impact. According to the book, MTV’s earlier years served as a cultural phenom- enon; it …

Prurient | Time’s Arrow EP Hydra Head 3/5 Prurient (Dominik Fernow) has made quite the name for himself in avant-garde circles for producing some of the most mind-bending, earth shattering dissonance out there as a solo artist. His performances usually consist of him and a microphone, sometimes run through with digital filters. They can only …

  Illustrator Graham Roumieu speaks about new novel IT’S A BOOK kids should never read and adults will die to get their hands on—Highly Inappropriate Tales For Young People by famous Canadian novelist and artist Douglas Coupland. The novel is more akin to a series of short stories and emulates a child’s “picture book,” but …

Satellite galleries popping up all over campus PREPARED TO BE art attacked! Visual arts students at the University of Ottawa are preparing to add more art galleries across campus. Gallery 115 is the only art display area available for students en- rolled in a bachelor of fine arts or master’s of fine arts degree. However, …

IT’S HALFWAY THROUGH Movember 2011 and it appears more men than ever are choosing to join the worldwide movement, yet many participants remain surprisingly uninformed about the campaign. This week, the Fulcrum caught up with Jesse Hayman, Movember Canada’s community development manager, for answers to some common questions about the campaign. The Fulcrum: What’s the …

Ahora 4/5 FOR A FRESH, simple, and delicious Mexican experience for a very reason- able price, Ahora Mexican Cuisine in the heart of the ByWard Market offers pa- trons an excellent meal. Seating around 30 patrons, this basement restaurant is decorated in a lively setting with an intimate atmosphere. Vegetarians will be delighted to learn …

Mixing art and technology IF YOU HAVE no idea what an art and technology festival is, now is the time to find out. Electric Fields is a biennial festival run by Artengine, a non-profit, artist-run centre in Ottawa that focuses on creating, presenting, and promoting art concerned with technological experimentation. Although 2011 was a break …

Tower Heist 3/5 It’s the movie where the 99 per cent get angry and take back what they rightfully deserve. Don’t worry, Tower Heist is not some boring Occupy-the-world documentary, but rather an enjoyable action-adventure heist film. Ben Stiller stars as Josh Kovacs, a recently fired building manager for a posh, uptown New York City …

Through the lens ALL OF THE media frenzy surrounding Kim Kardashian these days does not come as a surprise. The multi-millionaire socialite and “entrepreneur” recently split from her NBA-star husband, Kris Humphries. While the breakup may not come as a surprise to anyone—did you really think they’d make it past 72 days?—the amount of attention …

THE UNSETTLERS IF YOU’RE LOOKING for a journey of mysterious musicality, Montreal’s The Unsettlers can certainly take you there. An eclectic multi-instrumental group, which even features a contortionist, The Unsettlers present polkas, waltzes, and lullabies with a dark underbelly that makes you feel like you’re in an underground bar on a rainy Friday. Since their …

Illustration by Brennan Bova   Campus club offers a different movie-going experience TIRED OF PAYING $10 for not-so-good blockbusters at the movies? Sick of  Hollywood recycling content and actors to create the usual crappy comedy, romance, or drama? Well, a club at the University of Ottawa might just solve your problems. Cinema Academica is a group on campus that allows students …

Sugary cereal connects artists with music lovers and industry experts THE POST FOOD Company has a sweet tooth for indie tunes. It’s the founder of The First 15, a grant project that mixes social media and industry expertise to help unknown artists get their big break. Hoping to get more Canadian independent music into the iPods of music lovers is just one of the …

  ANOTHER REMEMBRANCE DAY is about to come and go. As Canadians get ready to remember previous wars fought and current ones ongoing, some U of O students decided to take this time to write poems inspired by this special day. Whether it’s images of Flander’s Fields or visions of the war in Afghanistan, the writers were inspired by what remembering means to them.   Are …

  Canadian environmental artist reacts to tour interference WHILE FRANKE JAMES has been a visual artist her whole life, in 2006 the focus of her work turned to climate change. James never thought her work on the environment would end up blacklisted by the Harper government. “We did an energy audit on our house because we were renovating, and at that …

Annual United Way benefit show to take the stage ALREADY IN ITS 11th year, the Resident’s Life United Way Benefit Show is not slowing down anytime soon. On Nov. 16, the spectacle, which will feature performances from students at the University of Ottawa, is all about providing entertainment for a good cause. All of the show’s proceeds go to the United Way Ottawa …

Canadian artist to perform live music for train passengers TRAVELLING BETWEEN SHOWS is often a nuisance for Canadian musicians. The sheer size of our country usually means a national tour will require dozens of idle hours spent on the road. Anna Atkinson, a Toronto-based multi-instrumentalist, singer, and songwriter, is booked to play shows at several …

                                 New study shows correlation between video games and weight gain Chaput and his collaborators invited 22 healthy, normal-weight boys between ages 15 and 19 into the lab. The night before the experiment, the boys were instructed not to eat. They …

Online dating gets student-specific TORONTO (CUP)—A NEW ONLINE dating website,, may soon be making its way to Canada. Created by Columbia Business School students Jean Meyer and Balazs Alexa, the website currently allows students enrolled at over 350 American universities to meet people online who are exclusively within their academic circle of choice. Currently, …

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