
We’ve all heard the spiel: Stereotyping others is unfair, hurtful, and indicative of being close-minded.  But if you spend a month on a university campus, you’ll most definitely meet people who fit certain stereotypes perfectly. The following are 10 “types” of people you will surely run into at the University of Ottawa. The Political Diehard  This person …

A how-to guide on making the most of your student space FOR MANY FRESHMEN, moving into on-campus housing is not the exciting experience promised by Staples commercials and IKEA catalogues alike. Rather than a spacious, eclectically decorated dorm, most students are met with little more than a glorified closet when they initially enter their expensive …

Tricks for destroying your at-home life So you’ve met your roommate, and although you’ve only known each other five minutes, you can tell you’re going to hate each other. So why not make their year a living hell? You’re already on the right track by prematurely jumping to conclusions. Another good step is to consciously decide …

With so many new experiences awaiting you, you might not realize how crucial certain information is until you need it. For your sake, grab your cellphone and add in these numbers in the case of any emergencies or last-minute adventures. On-campus protection Is your party invaded by hooligans? Are you walking home and someone is …

Solutions to shitty situations faced by first years Here at the Fulcrum, we believe in telling it like it is. The truth about being a university student? It’s hard. And being a first-year student? It’s really hard. Gone are the days of getting an A on the assignment you started the night before. Say goodbye …

Students tell their tales of summer job triumph and tribulation IT’S NO SECRET that many university students across the country are struggling to secure employment this summer. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and some students have resorted to working nightmare-inducing or insomnia-curing jobs just to make ends meet. On the other hand, a very …

An outpour of anecdotes from student service workers WHEN I WAS growing up in the sprawling suburb of Barrhaven, getting a job at Tim Hortons was actually kind of cool. You got free Timbits and soda, and on a slow night your friends could take over the inside of the store and amuse you between …

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