
ON FEB. 14, the Copyright Modernization Act (Bill C-11), was submitted to committee for review and amendments. The bill aims to update copyright laws last altered in 1997 and make breaking digital locks illegal. Time for an upgrade Kathleen Simmons, co-owner of Van Loon Simmons, a law firm specializing in copyright, broadcasting, and government law …

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES FOR the Board of Administration, Board of Governors, and the University Senate were announced at the University Centre couch lounge on Feb. 17 after some delay. Below are the official faculty and student representatives for the 2012–13 school year. Board of Administration Social Sciences Quinn Blue Nicole Desnoyers  Dave Eaton  Madeline Gow Vanessa Rydell  …

“I FEEL GREAT—I really feel great,” were the first words out of Ethan Plato’s mouth upon being elected the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) president thanks to 2,361 student votes, according to the preliminary results that were announced in the early hours of Feb. 17. “I think that there’s a lot that …

JOZEF SPITERI WON the position of vp social for the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) for the 2012–13 year. Spiteri received 2,577 votes, according to preliminary results, to beat incumbent Marie-Claude Noël. “[I was] surprised there was that many,” said Jozef Spiteri about the turnout. “We called on students [and they are] …

ANNE-MARIE ROY, WHO ran unopposed for Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) vp communications in the 2012–13 elections, who received 3,641 votes according to preliminary results. Despite having to wait hours for the results—and then being interrupted by a fire alarm causing the evacuation of the University Centre terminus—Roy expressed enthusiasm over her …

AFTER RECEIVING 2,214 preliminary votes, Liz Kessler won the position of vp university affairs in the 2012–13 elections for the executive of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO). Kessler won over first-time candidate Christopher Clarke, keeping her position for the second year. After delayed election results and a fire alarm, Liz Kessler …

THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT body has spoken: They have elected Kate Hudson to be their vp student affairs for the 2012–13 school year. Preliminary results of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) elections show Hudson beat competition Tasha Peters by 506 votes, with Hudson receiving 2,416 votes and Peters 1,910. Voter turnout in …

ACCLAIMED WITH PRELIMINARY results of 3,589 votes in favour, Muslim Students’ Association president Adam Gilani is set to become the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) next vp finance. “I’m very happy that … I had a large number of students vote ‘yes’ and really show their faith in the plans that I …

President – Ethan Plato Vp social – Jozef Spiteri Vp university affairs – Liz Kessler Vp student affairs – Kate Hudson Vp communication – Anne-Marie Roy Vp finance – Adam Gilani Voter turnout was 15 per cent

THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa has been ranked the 19th most sustainable university campus in the world, according to a study done by the University of Indonesia. The study ranked 178 universities worldwide by their efforts in the categories of setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, and transportation. Jonathan Rausseo, sustainable development manager …

EVERY TUESDAY, I get home past midnight. Without letting my dog out and sometimes forgetting to take off my shoes, I crash on the first comfortable-looking surface I see. I’m not tired because I was out at 1848’s Toonie Tuesday or writing a last-minute essay in the library. I’m exhausted because, along with an amazing …

McGill students occupy administration building MONTREAL—ON FEB. 7, students at McGill University occupied the James Administration Building to protest the university administration’s decision to invalidate the results of the fall 2011 referenda for the existence of campus radio station CKUT and the campus Quebec Public Interest Research Group. An initial group of about 20 students …

ON FEB. 7, the Ottawa Citizen announced that the University of Ottawa made the 2012 list for the National Capital Region’s Top 25 Employers. The 2012 ranking marks the third consecutive year the U of O has been included. “Being recognized in this way for the third year in a row is truly a reflection …

A SERIES OF sex store robberies have popped up across the United States over the past couple of weeks—events leaving police baffled because none of these criminals seem to be interested in stealing cash, preoccupied with grabbing saucy store merchandise. The Smoking Gun reported on Jan. 12, a man in a ski mask entered Iowa …

      View Larger Map You can vote at any of these places on the general campus. Below, you can find the exact locations to the polling stations. Visit for more info. SITE (2nd floor cafeteria) Marion (Cafeteria) Lamoureux (Lobby, near café) Montpetit (1st floor entrance) UCU (Outside federation offices, 1st floor near …

THE FIRST DAY of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) executive debates was held yesterday at the Unicentre Agora. The candidates for vp communications, vp student affairs, and vp social squared off in a debate was moderated the editor-in-chiefs of the two student newspapers on campus, Mercedes Mueller of the Fulcrum and …

THE SECOND DAY of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) executive debates was held Feb. 8 at the School of Information Technology and Engineering. The candidates for vp finance, vp university affairs, and president squared off for the responsive crowd. The debates where once again moderated by Mercedes Mueller, editor-in-chief of the …

ON FEB. 5, the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Arts (SAFA) Board of Directors withdrew the motion to impeach Jozef Spiteri, SAFA vp social affairs and candidate for vp social in the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) elections. “At our exec meeting, which we hold every Sunday prior to our board …

 SFUO Presidential Candidates   Philippe Mulet, fifth-year mechanical engineering student The Fulcrum: Why are you running? Mulet: I think we need to build consensus in this university. There was this moment that came when I realized that all the student bodies are defederating … I’m in engineering, so I like fixing problems.  What are some of the goals you hope …

DURING THE STUDENT Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) elections Feb. 14–16, students at the U of O will be asked to respond to a referendum question on whether to accept the continuation of the U-Pass program at an increased price. A “No” campaign committee has been formed to encourage students to vote against …

THE FULCRUM ASKS Board of Administration (BOA), Board of Governors (BOG), and University Senate candidates why they’re running for their positions.  Faculty of Arts Daniel Arnold There is a disconnect in this university’s student community. I believe my experience with student association and club executives, and as a 101 [Week] guide, leaves me well equipped to confront …

The problem DO YOU EVER stop to think about your cells’ needs? Every one of the trillions of cells making up your body requires energy and is fed by blood. Armies of red blood cells continually parade through the heart, to the furthest backwaters of your body, and back again.  To get to every part of …

OTTAWA WILL BECOME a less friendly place for smokers if Ottawa’s City Council passes new bylaws this month. The regulations would ban smoking on all municipal properties, including parks, sports fields, and beaches, as well as bar and restaurant patios. The bylaws are designed to address the effects of second-hand smoke and to reduce the …

I LOVE DANCING, but because of extremely demanding school and work lives, I barely get to go out and shake my booty. You can imagine my excitement when I realized I could combine work and a dance party as I followed Ottawa’s National Day of Action parade. The so-called protest started out on Morisset Terrace …

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