From about Dec. 15 to Jan. 15, the most exercise I got was unwrapping presents really fast and lugging my suitcase on and off of Greyhound buses.
From about Dec. 15 to Jan. 15, the most exercise I got was unwrapping presents really fast and lugging my suitcase on and off of Greyhound buses.
“If we look at the amount of sugar in a child’s breakfast cereal, you might as well be rolling up the kid’s sleeve and putting in heroin because [the strength of addiction is] the same.”
I can say with authority that when it comes to whipping someone into shape, this guy knows what he’s talking about. He sat down with the Fulcrum and explained the most common mistakes that people make when starting a new workout regimen.
For me, coming from a different country, I never felt lonely being here. I just love my team so much, and it’s amazing how we have each other.
The U of O Jockey Club is only one example of a spirit group that is seemingly shrinking, though. Many schools—including some National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) teams that can draw tens of thousands of fans to games—have seen a decline in student participation over recent years.
Read up on all the action of the seventh annual Capital Hoops Classic here!
It’s totally different than [playing in an] association, because you can actually see people on campus, and we’re around each other most days of the week. There’s that whole mentality of student athletes. We understand that we’re balancing school and sports.
“This is where I went to school, I understand what winning means here —for the kids, for the players, for the community, and for the alumni.”
Many hockey fans have been livid over the past few months as the Fehr-Bettman duo have deprived them of their favourite Saturday night activity. Many have even said they will boycott the NHL for the rest of the season.
60 per cent of New Year’s resolutions declared in 2012 were to lose weight and improve diets. Statistically speaking, most people give up on their self-improvement promises by Jan. 9, less than a third of the way through the month.
Sports teams do not have the monopoly on initiation events: sororities and fraternities have rush week and even universities participate to a certain extent—101 week, although well regulated, could be considered a ritualistic way of bonding between newcomers and older students.
I won a Black History award twice for being a role model. For me, that’s big because I don’t usually win things and I don’t really consider myself a role model.
A one-stop-shop for all your Gee-Gee updates
Through my many years of attending and hosting holiday parties, I have picked up a few tips that will help you and your guests enjoy all that delicious food, without the post-holiday pounds.
The worst part of tobogganing when you were little was dragging your sled back up the hill. Now that you’re older, you can appreciate what walking uphill will do to your glutes. It’s a calorie burner too—one hour of tobogganing can work off 345 calories.
“We just have to wait for the word from them,” said Elliott. “The last word we got was that there will be no dome this year, but we don’t know if that’s going to change or not.”
In an interview with the Fulcrum, Levesque crushed misconceptions about wrestling right before she crushed our production manager, Kyle. Check out the video at
I personally am a superstitious person—I have a lot of little rituals before the games that I’ve always been doing for years. As a team, we always do the same exact stretch and play the same ball game before every game.
If “Sam” wasn’t short for “Samantha” and she was a boy like the rest of her teammates, would the story be as huge? The stats are still impressive, but it is her gender that is really the kicker to the headline.
A one-stop-shop for all your Gee-Gee updates
No longer just for the fictional world of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, Quidditch has been gaining ground as a legitimate sport in many North American universities—combining a love for Harry Potter with the competitive nature of sports.
Here, the Fulcrum helps you decide which protein powder is best for you before you drop your hard-earned cash on the first tub you see.
There are lots of simple and tasty ways to incorporate protein powder into your daily diet, which will help your muscles get into tip-top shape.
Everything—and I mean everything—in my body was burning. My arms felt like Jell-O, my legs were shaking, and I was sweating through my shirt.
Maclaine Chadwick | Sports Editor TO SOME FANS, it’s as important as naming their first-born child. The return of the Canadian Football League (CFL) to Ottawa has fans brainstorming and tweeting about what to name their upcoming football team, due to start playing in the revamped Frank Clair Stadium in 2014. Rough Riders is out, …