University of Ottawa

Anne-Marie Roy   The Fulcrum: Why are you running? Roy: I’ve been involved with the SFUO for a little while now, and I can definitely see things that could be improved in the communications between the SFUO and the students, and also between the SFUO and the community in general. I’m really interested; I really …

The Fulcrum: Why are you running? Gilani: I am running for vp finance because I really think I have the experience and the skills necessary to fill the position. The work that vp finance does is not necessarily the most visible, but it’s nevertheless one of the more important positions. I think the SFUO plays …

The Fulcrum: Why are you running? Mulet: I think we need to build consensus in this university. There was this moment that came when I realized that all the student bodies are defederating … I’m in engineering, so I like fixing problems. What are some of the goals you hope to accomplish if you win? …

JOZEF SPITERI, A candidate for vp social in the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) elections and current vp social affairs for the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Arts (SAFA), will face SAFA’s Board of Directors tonight in an emergency meeting. According to Sean Green, SAFA president, there are 29 separate grounds …

The SFUO candidate list was announced on Jan. 27. Below are this year’s participants. Students can vote Feb. 14–16. For more information, go to EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT MULET, Phillippe PLATO, Ethan SAVVA, Amalia VP FINANCE GILANI, Adam VP COMMUNICATIONS ROY, Anne-Marie VP STUDENT AFFAIRS HUDSON, Kate PETERS, Tasha VP UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS CLARKE, Christopher KESSLER, Liz VP …

The Fulcrum and Career Services give students a hand WITH WINTER ON its way out and spring around the corner, students on campus are looking for jobs, either just for the summer or beyond. The question is, how can students find summer or post-graduate employment in Ottawa, and what can students do now to get …

Government of Ontario reallocates money to fund 30 per cent tuition rebate ELIGIBLE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS were able to receive a 30 per cent tuition rebate from the Government of Ontario on Jan. 5. Funds for the $432-million project were reallocated from other areas of post-secondary education, such as a $42-million funding cut from research grants …

CFS holds National Day of Action to drop tuition fees THE CANADIAN FEDERATION of Students (CFS) and its member schools will see thousands of students rally against high tuition fees across the country, including University of Ottawa participants who plan to march to Parliament Hill to make their message heard on Feb. 1. “The day …

‘Smooth sailing’ so far: CEO JAN. 16 MARKED the beginning of the election period for students who want to run for the Student Federation at the University of Ottawa (SFUO) executive and its Board of Administration (BOA). According to the SFUO Election Office staff, the nomination period is progressing smoothly, with significant interest from students. …

Apps a popular method for student organization promotion STUDENTS WILL BE able to follow the activity of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) from their smartphones when the SFUO officially launches its new mobile app the week of Jan. 30. Compatible with Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry phones, the app will inform students …

Broken water main floods Elgin businesses    OTTAWA—A WATER MAIN on Elgin Street broke on Jan. 18, making it the second broken water pipe to burst in Ottawa over the past two weeks   and forcing the city to close down Elgin Street to replace the pipe. An estimated $30 million will be spent on …

Vision 2020 goals expected to be met HALEIGH PREVOST ACCEPTED her offer to the University of Ottawa’s criminology program last week, getting in to her dream program. Prevost is one of the new students who will be attending the U of O this September, and one of 22,500 who applied. “Criminology was probably the perfect …

Website hopes to be go-to place for university materials STUDENTS TRYING TO save money on their textbooks now have a new resource,, launched by Carleton University students Shahir Kahriz and Matthew Grodinsky. The website, designed for students, provides a place to buy and sell books, course packs, and notes. “There are sites to buy and sell textbooks and there are bookstores, but …

Environmental focus for project addressing capacity issues THE NEW $112.5-million social sciences building, towering above the University of Ottawa campus, is nearing completion. Funded by federal and provincial governments and the university, the tower addresses capacity problems at the university while implementing sustainable and environmental initiatives. Capacity for social sciences The renovations to the Vanier building and the construction of the building will add …

Participation at an all-time high MEET SHANE MACKENZIE, leader of the Ideological Pragmatist Party and a prime minister who likes to dream big. As stated in his party’s platform, “This party looks at big moments in Canadian history and says, ‘Yeah we could do that,  but bigger.’” On Jan. 20–22, the Ideological Pragmatist and four other parties …

Partnership to expand program recognizing high-school student leaders THE FACULTY OF Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa announced a partnership with the Canadian Future Achievers (CFA) program on Nov. 30. The partnership seeks to foster continuity of the program, which targets Caribbean and First Nations students aged 9–16, encouraging them to act as role models in their community. “[The program] is …

U of O researcher examines sexual relationships among youth ACCORDING TO JOCELYN Wentland, a PhD student at the University of Ottawa in experimental psychology, casual sexual relationships can be placed into one of four categories: The one-night stand, the booty call, the friend with benefits, and the fuck buddy. Her study,  “Taking Casual Sex Not …

Students show their contempt for omnibus crime bill DESPITE FREEZING TEMPERATURES and snowfall, the Young Greens at the University of Ottawa dressed up as policeman and prisoners, taking turns being locked up in mock jail cells—all to protest Bill C-10, the Harper government’s omnibus crime bill, on Tabaret lawn Dec. 2. The bill, also known as the Safe Streets and Communities Act, consists of nine separate …

Constance Backhouse awarded prestigious Canadian research grant ON NOV. 25 University Research Chair and university professor Constance Backhouse was awarded the Gold Medal for Achievement in Research by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). She received the award for leadership and dedication in the fields of feminist history, human rights, legal history, and …

Arts could win $1,000 donation towards campaign SINGING, DANCING, AND fundraising—all that and more can be seen in the Student Association of the Faculty of Arts’ (SAFA) video entry into a national Shinerama video competition for the grand prize of a $1,000 donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada made on behalf of the winning university. SAFA …

Three sides disagree on costs and effectiveness of pass DISAGREEMENTS WERE SPARKED between the City of Ottawa, students, and citizens when Charlie Taylor, mayoral candidate in the past municipal election and recent Carleton University graduate, declared the numbers determining the new cost of the U-Pass don’t add up. Taylor presented the data he collected to the city’s transit commission on Nov. 16, intensifying the discussion between the universities’ student unions and the city. “Basically, [the city’s transit report] is a propaganda document being put forward to try to frame [the report] in a positive light,” said Taylor, who thinks the program costs more than students are paying. “Every page of the report is flawed. It is either seriously poor scholarship or deliberate misrepresentation.” According to …

GSAÉD’s finance commissioner resigns AFTER NEARLY TWO years with the University of Ottawa’s Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD), Patrick Imbeau announced he will resign his post of the finance commissioner on Nov. 15. Since beginning his employment with GSAÉD in December 2009, Imbeau has worked as the association’s university affairs commissioner, external commissioner, and most recently, …

Michaelle Jean wants to be a chancellor that’s there for students ON NOV. 7, the University of Ottawa announced Michaelle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, would be the university’s new chancellor. She replaces Huguette Labelle, who held the position for almost 18 years. A chancellor’s job description The University of Ottawa’s chancellor is the …

  Let’s talk about consent, baby NOV. 14–18 MARKS the second annual Consent is Sexy Week hosted by the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) at the University of Ottawa. The campaign focuses primarily on creating a dialogue around consent and sex positivity in an effort to prevent sexual violence on and around campus. “Opening up the …

OPH aims to educate youth about tanning  ON NOV. 8, Ottawa Public Heath (OPH) launched the Enjoy the Skin You’re In social media campaign, in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, Cancer Care Ontario, and three local health units, that aims to raise aware- ness among youth about the risks of tanning. “We would like …

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