
Essential backpacking gear the travel books don’t mention Two years ago I set off on a backpacking trip through South America. The best advice I was given beforehand was this: don’t pack a single thing you’re not prepared to lose. After my tent was flooded two months in, along with all my belongings, I appreciated …

Photos by Rebecca Potter While we were hopelessly lost in a sketchy Montreal neighbourhood, my GPS started re-enacting scenes from The Exorcist. All of the programmable voices yelled directions at me at once while I pulled over my car full of terrified passengers. This was nowhere near a picture-perfect travel moment. It was better. Whenever …

The Internet and other media outlets tend to make us feel like we know all about planning and booking vacations, but it’s always good to have a little expert advice.

There is a secret that the tourism industry is hiding: you can easily find other, less expensive ways of remembering a trip.

‘Tis the season of indulgence. We fill ourselves up with gifts, food, and relaxation, but balance is key when it comes to holiday excess. If you want to beat the “festive 15,” staying active during the holidays is a necessity.

Having lots of free time, little or no concern for school, and no one to answer to is the recipe for a potentially delightful holiday season. Here are just a few suggestions of activities that can be enjoyed in spite of your lonely circumstances.

The holidays are a financial struggle for most students since they’re often a break from part-time jobs at school. There are also the added costs of gift shopping, dinners out with old friends, and obligatory family outings.

Here are some ways to earn a little cash to ease the burden during the holiday break.

Cliques aren’t only an issue throughout high school—they extend to university and into the workplace, too

Is cultural appropriation ever appropriate? Photo illustration by Tina Wallace Miley Cyrus’s new look has caused quite the stir amongst reporters and bloggers, especially after her racey Video Music Awards performance with Robin Thicke. The problem some people have with  Cyrus’s adoption of “ratchet” style, and with other pop culture and media phenomena like the …

In the documentary, Kilbourne says ads don’t only sell products. “They sell images, they sell concepts of love and sexuality, of success, and perhaps most important, of normalcy,” she says. “To a great extent they tell us who we are, and who we should be.”

Why do so many people get their kicks from scary flicks? Photo by Tina Wallace Every year throughout the month of October, it seems like cable TV programming wants to give me a heart attack. While flipping through the channels I basically have the choice to watch news or Barney because most of the good …

Many of us have daily rituals of self-examination that include fat-poking, long periods of mirror-peering, and occasional thoughts of disdain towards our bodies.

Beer: a drink of the people Jesse Colautti | Fulcrum Staff Beer goes by many titles: sweet nectar of the gods, refreshing vacation in a glass, and the bringer together of friends, to name a few. To put it simply, beer is the best. While hard liquor excites before ultimately smashing you over the head …

In the world of beer pairings, people seldom think to include vegetarian fare on their menus. Swap the heavy meet pairings with this budget-friendly, easy to prepare, vegetarian meal that could even impress your parents. [styled_box title=” Apple slices, banana slices, and strawberries with a fluff and cream-cheese dip” color=”purple”]Paired with: Kichesippi’s seasonal “Logger” (Pennsylvania …

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