
We all get nervous before interviews, but proper preparation goes a long way Finally, an employer who not only read your resumé but recognized your hard-working mentality and eagerness to find a great job! Now comes the nerve-racking, make it or break it part of securing that position: your interview. Before you decide you’re ready …

Point/ Counter Point Co-op most likely won’t provide you with relevant work experience Jesse Colautti | Opinions Editor Once upon a time, I was a co-op student. But after experiencing the pitfalls of the program firsthand, I feel it is my solemn duty to warn others against it. Midway through my second year, I took …

While you’re still a student, maintaining a LinkedIn account is a great way to acquire work experience as well as generate contacts. The site allows you to connect with others, making them a part of your network. LinkedIn also allows you to create and join groups, an additional way to develop contacts by staying up …

Why you should go abroad for travel and life experience Photo courtesy of Brittany Thurston What are you planning to do next year? It’s the dreaded question you’ve spent four (or five or six) years avoiding. As you register for convocation and start putting your resume together, the question is becoming more urgent and you’re …

A student’s guide to creative part-time work Photo by Tina Wallace For most students, part-time work can be hard to find and difficult to maintain while juggling lectures, study sessions, and extracurricular activities. With the thousands of work-hungry students in Ottawa, the idea of job-hunting seems more scary than graduating. Check out these side-job ideas …

Illustration by Tina Wallace A job catas-trophy Despite phenomenal bosses, great pay, and flexible hours, I have to say that the worst job I ever had was at a trophy assembling shop. Many weekends of my youth were spent in an 8×10-foot room assembling the physical tokens recognizing other people’s achievements. It wasn’t the monotony …

 The government needs to cut recent graduates a break Illustration by Tina Wallace For some, graduation is just around the corner and the Ontario government is ready to masquerade as a credit agency, knocking on the doors of recent grads asking for their OSAP money back.     Many students are left in a crunch …

Simple initiative connects students and professionals over a cup of coffee Photo by Sean Penhall For many students, a coffee date is a way to chat with friends. But Ten Thousand Coffees, a new initiative out of Toronto, is turning coffee dates into a method for young people to connect with some bigwig Canadian professionals. …

Dear readers, Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday I was introducing myself to the new students on campus in our 101 Week edition. I hope you took my advice in August and safely tried everything your p’s and v’s desired this school year and that you plan to do the same …

We hear all about the SFUO, but do we really know where our money goes? Infographic by Tina Wallace Dave Eaton, an international development student in the last year of his studies at the U of O, carries a heavier load of responsibility than the average 24-year-old. He’s the overseer of a multi-million dollar government …

I don’t know if I expected angels to sing, doves to cry, or something special to happen, but the act of logging out was surprisingly anti-climactic. However the four months that followed my social media absence was anything but.

Five 45-pound plates per side (and then some) wait for him on the bar. That’s 525 pounds. People are staring. He doesn’t seem to notice.

For his work, Pelletier uses soft pastels, not exactly the sidewalk chalk we grew up with. Throughout his career, he’s moved around the Market, but has established himself most as the guardian keeping vigil outside Sugar Mountain.

Perhaps the biggest misconception, or rather wrongful association that people make about fetishes, is that they must pertain to or interact directly with a person’s sexuality. But fetishes don’t play a role in defining a person’s sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

There are no cheat codes to cunnilingus, but there are techniques to help you both along the way.

Before heading out, I told my mom I was going to Sexapalooza, explaining that it’s something like the annual auto show, but with sex. She was startled, but not surprised.

No one likes having sex more than bonobo monkeys. They’re the nymphomaniacs of the animal kingdom, using almost any social interaction as an excuse to have sex, including greetings, forming social bonds, and resolving conflict.

Similar to a tattoo, writing about sex seems like it would stick with you forever. Once it’s been published, it’s out there for the world to see. You’re not going to get a government job or be in a position of the utmost political importance if you have a tattoo across your forehead. It’s the same assumption for writing something a little sexy.

What does it mean to be an ally? Sabrina Nemis writes about supporting marginalized communities without taking over the conversation.

In a larger sense, Starbucks epitomizes North American food culture in the 21st century. It’s modern, hip, and allows customers to personalize their order from an extensive menu selection. It also professes to use the best, high-quality ingredients and to conduct its business responsibly and ethically.

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