Choosing a school for post-secondary studies is a major decision that comes with its own unique challenges for each individual.
Choosing a school for post-secondary studies is a major decision that comes with its own unique challenges for each individual.
It seems that the general consensus among young adults is that May through August are the months for hook-ups, flings, and, sometimes, finding a mate. However, what is it that motivates us to associate the summer solstice with getting together and getting it on?
LONG GONE ARE the days when tattoos were considered taboo and could only be found on the bodies of convicts and motorcyclists. Today, everyone including our professors, mothers, and best friends have tattoos and are proud to show them off. But what happens when that pride wears off before the tattoo does? Two writers sat …
Top five hottest political leaders 1. Ethan Plato Our fearless president-elect is clearly more than just a pretty face, but it’s great to know a looker will be representing us for a year. 2. Amalia Savva She has the most charming smile we’ve ever seen. 3. Barack Obama Have you seen that man with his …
IF YOU THINK balancing a full-time course load and a part-time job is a lot to handle, try being the president of a Canadian university. Not only do you have to be concerned with providing students a quality education given by professors engaged in the classroom and in their research, but you have to do …
Top five household items you can use to work out with 1. Stairs Walking or jogging up and down stairs can provide a great cardio work out, as well as effective toning of the legs and butt. 2. Backpacks A weighted backpack can be a great addition to lunges and squats. For a better centre …
Top five best used bookstores in Ottawa 1. Book Bazaar Since 1974, this family-run bookstore has provided a unique mix of gently used books at fair prices. 2. All Books Carrying both used and new books and textbooks, All Books is a staple of the downtown core. 3. Patrick MacGahern Books Like a scene out …
Top five worst backhanded compliments 1. “You’re so brave. I would never have the guts to try such a unique hairstyle.” Cue to you buying fourteen different hats to hide your “unique” hair under until it grows out. 2. “You’re so smart to go to the library on a Friday night when everybody else is …
SECTION 28 OF the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads, “Notwithstanding anything in this Charter, the rights and freedoms referred to in it are guaranteed equally to male and female persons.” Section 15 of the Charter asserts Canadians are to be free from discrimination based on their sex. More women are holding high-level positions …
AT ONE POINT or another, most of us dream about making it big. Thanks to the Internet, becoming famous no longer requires theatrical or musical talent—all you need is a laptop, your winning personality, and a knowledge of all things social media. The Fulcrum gives you the low-down on using YouTube, Twitter, and blogging to …
IMAGINE BEING TOLD you must pack up your belongings and move to another country. You may not speak the language, know the customs, or have a single friend or family member there to guide you, but regardless of the circumstances, you’re going. For some people, leaving their home country is a welcome—and maybe even celebrated …
A STUDY PRESENTED at the American Psychological Association Symposium in 2000 stated that 87 per cent of college students report having “hooked up.” The vague term describes the type of encounters that have been replacing traditional dating on university campuses over the recent decades. The Fulcrum sat down with experts and students to learn why …
THE MAJORITY OF Mistress Shira’s family and friends do not know what she does for a living, but she doesn’t think they’d be surprised if they found out. “If it came out to family or friends, my falling into this job, I think very few people would be shocked,” she said. “It’s not like I …
SEX LIFE GONE stale? Tired of the same old ho-hum positions? It happens to even the most experienced of us—but that doesn’t mean you should settle for it. Grab a partner—or two—and get inspired by the positions we’ve “laid” out for you. You can thank us later. The pyramid Why bang one person when you …
LIKE THE COUPLES who frequent them, a romantic restaurant gets that lovin’ feeling from all sorts of different things. Here’s a selection of Ottawa’s culinary offerings that are sure to impress anyone your heart is set on. The spontaneous afternoon out: Stella Luna Gelato Café (1103 Bank St.) To explain what makes this restaurant special, …
THE OLDER YOU get, the more likely it is you’ve slept with someone and seen each other naked. At some point afterward, you will run into these people and be forced to hold a proper conversation, all the while knowing they can picture you accurately without your clothes on. This is a rather unnerving experience, …
GIVEN OUR GENERATION’S affinity for hooking up and our country’s seriously high divorce rate, it seems like we could all use a little advice from a group of people who got it right. The following are words of wisdom from our grandparents. From Andrew Ikeman’s grandpa, Eric Kokish: “Look at her mom—is she cool, or …
SEX AND LOVE, love and sex. The two are intrinsically connected—or are they? Two students with differing opinions debate which is better: Sex with love, or without? Point: Don’t confuse sex and love Growing up, whenever I did something stupid, my mom would say things like, “Where was your brain? What were you thinking? Why …
NEXT TIME YOU find yourself alone in a potential hook-up’s room, sneak a peak into their bedside table. Be sure to look for these five items in the drawers before jumping into theirs. Negative results from a recent STI test and condoms Does this really need explanation? Sex is better when you’re not stressing about …
NOT SURE WHERE you’re going to be knocking the boots next? Look for your astrological sign below and discover what’s in store for you this month. Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Aries (March 21–April 19) Your ruling planet, Mars, is in the house of the fallen moon, which can only mean one …
Let’s pop the proverbial cherry and talk about sex—or rather, the lack of sex. Virginity is a taboo topic that usually gets ignored in university settings, but Statistics Canada has shown 43 per cent of teenagers have sex for the first time between the ages of 15 and 19. This means more than half of …
SINCE SEPT. 21, 1998, when then-hit sitcom Will & Grace hit American airwaves, straight women in North America have had an obsession with obtaining a gay male friend of their own. Even before the show popularized the idea of the gay man and straight woman inseparable duo, the concept of appropriating a homosexual counterpart was …
ATTENTION ALL UNIVERSITY students: The time has come for us to grow up, and invest in our futures. Or rather, it’s time to invest in our erotic interests. According to Leonard Elchuk, a Saskatchewan businessman who financially backed a string of porn shops across the province, the rise of the Internet has dealt a serious …
THE MEDIUMS OF pornography have changed with the advent of new technologies, but the substance of the genre has remained similar over centuries. The use of erotic material, however, has not always been the same throughout time. Pornography as a term takes its root in Modern Greek. The word “pornographie” first appeared in the French …
THE SECOND YOU meet someone attractive and want to woo them is usually the moment you realize the importance of being a fantastic cook. A way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, right? The following is a list of the top five best aphrodisiac foods you should consider cooking for that special someone. …